Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Roe Warriors: The Media's Pro-Abortion Bias

Roe Warriors: The Media's Pro-Abortion BiasUpdated and Revised

Five Ways the Media Promote Abortion

Five Years of Media Studies Confirm Reporters Favor Abortion Advocates at Expense of Pro-Lifers

Breaking News: Three-Year-Old Details of Prisoner Deaths in Afghanistan

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.

Losing Interest in Africa When Bush Helps

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.

Relaying Reckless Leftist Charges Against Pro-U.S. Bloggers in Iraq

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.

Two 9-11 Scoops from the Times

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.

Houston's "Scramble to Profit" from Katrina?

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times.