Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Editor Richard Stevenson Flops in Defense of New York Times's Fairness

A Politico story angered liberal journalists by daring to admit conservatives had a point about media bias in the presidential campaign. Times political editor Richard Stevenson rallied to his ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Still Promoting Left-Wing, Soros-Funded J Street as a 'Pro-Israel' Lobby

The New York Times is transparently invested in promoting J Street, the left-wing lobbying group of Jewish doves, as an influential counterweight to the more hawkish American Israel Public ...
Media Research Center

Parker Eagerly Uses Trump Fundraiser to Dredge Up Old Democratic Accusations Against Romney

New York Times reporter Ashley Parker: "That and other statements left the Romney campaign to fend off questions about the candidate’s views on that long-discredited accusation and whether he ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Gushes Over Bill and Hillary Clinton, 'Great Neighbors' 'Remarkably Involved' in Chappaqua Community

A gusher of praise for Bill and Hillary Clinton by reporter Peter Applebome: "Almost everyone in town has a favorite encounter -- perhaps the Clintons’ appearance at High Holy Day services at ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Visits 'Polarized' Wisconsin, Equates 'Civility' to Support for Unions, Ignores Gov. Walker's Success

And it's all Republicans' fault, according to the New York Times: "According to recent polling, Wisconsin, once known for progressive policy and upper-Midwestern civility, is now the most ...
Media Research Center

Front-Page New York Times Scoop: The Romneys Are Rich!

Campaign reporter Trip Gabriel, on top of the big stories: "As Ann Romney immersed herself in the elite world of riding over the last dozen years, she relied on Jan Ebeling as a trusted tutor ...
Media Research Center

The Times Visits 'Polarized' Wisconsin, Equates 'Civility' to Support for Unions, Ignores Gov. Walker's Success

And it's all Republicans' fault, according to the New York Times: "According to recent polling, Wisconsin, once known for progressive policy and upper-Midwestern civility, is now the most ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Religion Writer Baselessly Accuses Conservatives of Taking Rev. Wright's Rants 'Out of Context'

Times religion columnist Mark Oppenheimer attacked conservatives for making hay out of Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's anti-American rants and "liberation theology," insisting conservative have ...
Media Research Center

Paul Krugman's Alien Invasion Economics

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's brand of big-spending Keynesianism is truly out of this world: "This is hard to get people to do, much better, obviously, to build bridges and roads and ...
Media Research Center

Former NYT Editor Keller Cheers Gay Marriage at Supreme Court, Praises 'Enlightened States' Where It's Legal

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller cheers on gay marriage in his latest column on the issue's prospects at the Supreme Court: "....If that lesbian or gay couple in Mississippi or ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Religion Writer Baselessly Accuses Conservatives of Taking Rev. Wright's Rants 'Out of Context'

Times religion columnist Mark Oppenheimer attacks conservatives for making hay out of Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright's anti-American rants and "liberation theology," insisting conservative have it ...

Obama Beats Romney in New York Times Online Headline Battle 9-0

The usual pro-Obama tilt in postings to the New York Times' political blog was even more pronounced during the week of May 21-25. As of noon Friday, out of 23 matching posts, the headlines ...
Media Research Center

Dowd Whines on 'Women's Lower Caste' in the Catholic Church, 'Chastity Belts'

Maureen Dowd takes two column shots at the Vatican for allowing no criticism or second-guessing: "The bishops and the Vatican care passionately about putting women in chastity belts....Absolute ...
Media Research Center

'Indelible Image' of Boy Patting Obama's Hair Boosts President With Blacks, Gushes Times' Jackie Calmes

New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes: "As a candidate and as president, Mr. Obama has avoided discussing race except in rare instances when he seemed to have little choice -- ...
Media Research Center

NYT Claims 'An Uneventful Weekend' in Chicago...Except for the Mass Arrests and Terror Plots

The Times praised "an uneventful weekend" of anti-NATO protests in Chicago -- but there were 90 arrests, anti-cop violence, and a foiled terrorist plot. The paper also strove to portray ...
Media Research Center

'No Option but to Raise Taxes,' Say All the 'Budget Veterans' Selected by NYT's Jackie Calmes

New York Times White House reporter Jackie Calmes stacks her sources 5-1 in favor of raising taxes to close the deficit, and tries to nudge Congress into supporting them: "Tax increases were part ...
Media Research Center

Smugfest: NYT Editor Tanenhaus, Joe Klein Tag-Team to Condescendingly Rip Jonah Goldberg's Book

Journalist Joe "flaming moderate" Klein pronounced himself offended by "radical Republican" Jonah Goldberg's new book The Tyranny of Cliches, arguing that "liberals stopped being statists a long ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Assigns Condescending Hit Piece on Jonah Goldberg's 'Infantile' Book to Liberal Journo Joe Klein

The paper got what it paid for: Time Magazine's self-proclaimed "raging moderate" Joe Klein pans Jonah Goldberg's latest book in the New York Times. Goldberg responds point by point, in withering ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Shear Rips Drudge, Breitbart, Accuses GOP of Racial Attacks on Rev. Wright

Times reporter Michael Shear rips into Drudge, Breitbart for reporting news: "But the issues of race and religion never go completely away, at least in some extreme quarters of the American ...
Media Research Center

NATO Protests Were Sign of Potential Occupy Strength for NYTimes...Until Terror Plots and Arrests

What happened between Thursday and Sunday that cause the Occupy protest movement to disappear from the Times' radar? The Times on Thursday, before violence at the NATO summit in Chicago: ...