Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

After Massacre of Children By Islamist, NYTimes Frets Only About 'Diversity at Risk,' Anti-Muslim 'Tensions'

Strange priorities at the New York Times: Reporter Scott Sayare, in Toulouse in the aftermath of the killings of seven by a radical Muslim, seemed to think the top story was Muslim fear of ...

As ObamaCare Hits Supreme Court, New York Times Buries Unfavorable Poll Findings on A-17

There were strange priorities afoot in Tuesday's New York Times, which led with a poll story on falling support for the war in Afghanistan. Yet the paper buried a story from the same poll ...
Media Research Center

As Obama-Care Hits Supreme Court, New York Times Buries Unfavorable Poll Findings on A-17

There were strange priorities afoot in Tuesday's New York Times, which led with a poll story on falling support for the war in Afghanistan. Yet the paper buried a story from the same poll showing ...
Media Research Center

As Pope Draws Crowds in Cuba, NYT Suddenly Remembers Big Crowds Are Product of 'Intimidation,' 'Orchestration' and Coercion

The New York Times coverage of the Pope Benedict XVI's trip to the dictatorship of Cuba has a strange, cheap-shot emphasis on how Cuban crowds are coerced to attend such rallies, an ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Finally Notices: Women Like Rick Santorum

A condescending Times story by Susan Saulny provided a slight corrective to the paper's previous misleading coverage of Rick Santorum's appeal among women, but maintained the unsubstantiated ...

Only the NYTimes Gives Former Dem. Gov. Jon Corzine Benefit of the Doubt on MF Global Memo: 'No Smoking Gun'

The Times defends former New Jersey Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine from accusations of fraud as chief executive of the financial services firm MF Global: "At first, the revelation fueled speculation ...
Media Research Center

New York Times, Mouthpiece for Obama, Calls French Newspaper 'Mouthpiece' for President Sarkozy

Behold the irony: The New York Times' Paris-based reporter Scott Sayare says the newspaper Le Figaro is "a right-leaning daily newspaper that is increasingly viewed as a mouthpiece for [President ...
Media Research Center

Former SCOTUS Reporter Greenhouse Doesn't Bother With Obama-care Criticism, Questions 'Moral Compass' of Opponents

Linda Greenhouse, former New York Times Supreme Court reporter turned columnist, sneers that the constitutional arguments against the individual mandate of Obama-care are so "analytically weak" as ...
Media Research Center

Krugman Says GOP Lying About Obama Wanting Higher Gas Prices....But Obama Did in 2007

NYT's Krugman: "First, the lie: No, President Obama did not say, as many Republicans now claim, that he wanted higher gasoline prices....The claim that Mr. Obama wanted higher prices is a lie, ...
Media Research Center

Times Movie Critic Doesn't Even Try to Hide Her Outrage at Pro-Life 'October Baby'

New York Times movie critic Jeannette Catsoulis doesn't even try to be fair to "October Baby," a pro-life movie: "...the film communicates in the language of guilt and fear....a vision of medical ...
Media Research Center

NYT Columnist Gail Collins Takes Her 'Seamus' Obsession to Letterman Show

New York Times columnist Gail Collins went on the Late Show with David Letterman, ostensibly to discuss her biography of President William Henry Harrison. But the first segment was entirely ...
Media Research Center

NYT Grants Bill Maher Space for 'Stop Apologizing' Plea; Paper Still Ignoring Maher's Vile Insults of Sarah Palin

Even as comedian and talk-show host Bill Maher appears in the New York Times by writing an op-ed and by making a $1 million donation to a pro-Obama SuperPAC, the Times ignores his history of ...

NYT Can't Stop Blaming French President Sarkozy Appeals to 'Far Right,' Even After Toulouse Killer Identified as Radical Islamist

Even after the murderer in Toulouse is identified as a radical Islamist, the Times still can't let go of its attacks on French President Nicolas Sarkozy's for allegedly making anti-immigrant ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Eduardo Porter Fears Inequality Will Lead to 'Hereditary Plutocracy,' Plugs Occupy Wall Street

Eduardo Porter laments: "Americans have never been too worried about the income gap. The gap between the rich and the rest has been much wider in the United States than in other developed ...
Media Research Center

Another NYTimes Hit Piece on Sarkozy, Suggesting Appeals to 'Far Right' Set Mood for School Murders

Reporter Steven Erlanger claims "No one is suggesting that the French presidential campaign inspired a serial killer..." but then goes on do just that: "But in a period of economic anxiety, ...

New York Times Fronts Anti-War Reporting Against Action in Iran: 'Could Leave Hundreds of Americans Dead'

The New York Times, laboring under the false impression it participated in George W. Bush's "rush to war" in Iraq, is pushing back hard against the prospect of preemptive action against Iran's ...

Defending Obama, NYT's Broder Hits Mitt for Attacking Obama's Call for Higher Gas Prices: 'Unsubstantiated...Misleading'

New York Times reporter John Broder defends Obama to the hilt on his weak flank of high gas prices: "...Mitt Romney said that President Obama has sought higher gasoline and energy prices and ...
Media Research Center

Questions Only the NYT Is Asking: "Where Is the Next Gloria Steinem?"

New York Times contributor Sarah Hepola compares the feminist to civil rights martyr Martin Luther King: "History’s most formidable figures have always been a tough act to follow, of course. ...
Media Research Center

NYT: Santorum's 'Circuslike' Position on Terry Schiavo Right-to-Die Case 'Left Public Aghast'

Times reporter Katharine Seelye's long profile of Rick Santorum was harsh on his principled stand as a U.S. senator in the case of Terry Schiavo, the brain-damaged Florida woman whose feeding tube ...

NYT: The Return of Obama, 'Bold" Basketball Picker Extraordinaire

Last year a New York Times political reporter praised Obama's hoops knowledge. This year a successful presidential pick made the sports section itself. The headline: "N.C. State, President's Pick, ...