Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles
Media Research Center

Ethan Bronner Files One More Consolation Card for the Palestinian Cause, on the Front Page

Outgoing Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner passed on one more consolation card for the Palestinian cause: "...the Palestinians were at the center of Middle Eastern politics, their struggle ...
Media Research Center

NYT Rushes to Texas Planned Parenthood's Aid in Front-Page Story

The New York Times runs to Planned Parenthood's front-page defense in Texas against the budget-slashing, anti-choice state legislature: "But the clinic closed in October, along with more than a ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Severson Forwards Latest Left-Wing 'Hate Group' Report From Southern Poverty Law Center

Reporter Kim Severson forwards propaganda from the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, which finds "hate groups" everywhere it looks on the right in the age of President Obama: "Fed by ...
Media Research Center

Dowd Gets Offensive on GOP 'Warmongers,' Israel, and the Iraq War

Maureen Dowd: "Romney wrote a blank check to Bibi Netanyahu, who governs a nation roiling with reactionary strains, ultra-Orthodox attacks on women and girls and attempts at gender ...

NYTimes Lead Editorial Says GOP Finally Paying for Its 'Casual Cruelty, 'War With Women'

From the Times lead editorial: "Republican politicians have pursued their assault on Mr. Obama, the left and any American who disagrees with them for years now. There are finally signs that ...
Media Research Center

No Politics Here? 'Obama Call Was a Lesson For His Girls,' NYTimes Assures Readers on Fluke Controversy

No political motivations here! Devoting a full story to President Obama calling birth-control activist Sandra Fluke for the sake of his daughters, New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes (and ...
Media Research Center

Oh No: Openly Gay Idaho Lawmaker Is Quitting After Having 'Lost Patience' With State Conservatives, Laments NYT

New York Times reporter William Yardley talks to Nicole LeFavour, an openly gay legislator in Idaho, who is apparently entitled to have her particular gay-rights legislation passed: "Ms. LeFavour, ...
Media Research Center

NYT Editor Abramson Bumped From Commencement Speech By Obama: Are We Missing a Liberal Rant?

The president big-footed New York Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson from her spot as Barnard College commencement speaker. The paper's history of such speeches, from reporters to the paper's ...
Media Research Center

NYT Mag Writer Delights in 'Dizzy Exuberance' of London Rioters: Promotes Socialism, Annoying Subway Riders

And you thought it was just an office building! Novelist and socialist China Mieville writes the lead article in the London issue of the New York Times Sunday magazine: "The question is whether ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd Tackles Brutal Limbaugh, Santorum's 'Medieval' View of Women

And Dowd has always been so nice to Rush in her own columns: "As a woman who has been viciously slashed by Rush Limbaugh, I can tell you, it’s no fun." And Virginia's new ultrasound abortion ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes 'Takes Issue' With Santorum's Catholic Faith, Which Is Not Open to the 'Modern Era'

The New York Times gets a left-wing hater of the Catholic hierarchy to disparage Rick Santorum: "Many Catholics take issue with Mr. Santorum’s approach to their faith. Mr. Santorum, polls show, ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Stelter Defends Hollywood, Dismisses Idea of H'Wood Palin-Hatred as 'Conspiracy Theory'

New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter dismisses conservative concerns that the new HBO movie "Game Change" is an anti-Palin hit piece as a "conspiracy theories," and makes lame excuses why ...
Media Research Center

Steinhauer Plays "Gotcha" With "Conservative Orthodoxy" of Club for Growth Activists

Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer: "But many Republicans say the Club for Growth is holding members to impossible legislative standards in a city where their party remains a minority, and that it ...
Media Research Center

Occupy the New York Times! Editor Meeting Greeted With Silent Union Protest

What are the chances that this particular clash of the 1% and the 99% will result in a sanctiomonious news storyin the Times? The New York Times Co. is freezing pensions for some employees even ...
Media Research Center

Andrew Breitbart's Legacy "Just Stunts and Demagoguery," Suggests NYTimes Editor Headlam

Times media editor Bruce Headlam was ungracious after the death of conservative media activist Andrew Breitbart: "Andrew Breitbart was controversial, not for his polemics, which weren’t ...
Media Research Center

Sen. Snowe, a Moderate Republican 'Fed Up' With the 'Extreme Right' and Social Issues

New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman sympathizes with lonely "centrists" like Sen. Olympia Snowe, who announced her retirement. Weisman says she's "fed up" by what a Snowe friend called "the ...
Media Research Center

Alan Cowell the Anti-Capitalist Sees Still More 'Greed' in His New York Times Reporting

London-based Alan Cowell on "runaway capitalist greed": "Moving after midnight, bailiffs supported by police officers dismantled a tent encampment outside St. Paul's Cathedral here early ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Porter Steps Into David Leonhardt's Neo-Liberal Shoes, Defends Obama 'Stimulus"

Porter's first "Economic Scene" column for the New York Times parrots liberal conventional wisdom on Obama's "stimulus" success, despite conservative claims that the process was wasteful and ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Bill Keller: 'Santorum...Creeping Up On a Christian Version Of Sharia Law'

The New York Times' former executive editor accuses the GOP candidate on MSNBC's Morning Joe.
Media Research Center

New York Times Again Tries to Get Feds Interested in Probing GOP Fundraising It Doesn't Like

Times reporter Michael Luo (with Mike McIntire) again try to sic the federal government on Republican fundraising groups: "Sharing a consultant would seem to be an embodiment of coordination ...