Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Lead Story on South Carolina Debate Crammed With 'Conservatives'

Also: Remember the "early promise" of moderate Jon Huntsman Jr.'s presidential campaign? Neither do most Republicans.

No Rest in Peace for Gay Rights: Times Mars Memory of Cracker Barrel Founder

Pushing gay rights in the obituaries: "Danny Evins, who created Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, a restaurant heavy on grits and nostalgia, expanded it into a $2 billion chain and then fought a ...

Bruni Forwards Supermarket Scanner Urban Legend About George H.W. Bush

Frank Bruni: "But he walks a tightrope, wanting to broadcast his success without seeming out of touch. A wealthy candidate's aides guard against tone-deaf admissions of privilege while opponents ...

Wisdom From Rosenthal's Sunday Review: 'Romney's Meticulously Cultivated Whiteness'

Contributor Lee Siegel: "Mitt Romney is the whitest white man to run for president in recent memory....He knows that he offers to these people the white solution to the problem of a black president."

Araton Says 'Sideshow' Tim Tebow Shouldn't Have Met Brain-Damaged QB After Loss

Hypocritical Times columnist Harvey Araton deigns to give a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback advice on both religious practice and athletic leadership, mocks him: "...the scene was a ...

NYT Public Editor Responds to Koch Industries, Laments Paper's One-Sided Liberal Opinion Slant

Writing on the hostility to Koch Industries that dominates the paper's opinion and critical writing, Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admitted he "would be happier if The Times had a more diverse ...

Public Editor Asks if NYT Reporters Should Fact-Check, But They Already Do (the GOP, Anyway)

Public Editor Arthur Brisbane made waves by asking Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante? But the paper already is, at least against Republicans, replete with ardent defenses of liberal policy ...

Occupy Wall Street, Still Seeping Into the NYT's Consciousness

The Times can hope: "About two-thirds of Americans now believe there are 'strong conflicts' between rich and poor in the United States, a survey by the Pew Research Center found, a sign that the ...

Kantor 'Labored and Labored' to Make Her Jeremiah Wright Reporting Fair to Obama

Jodi Kantor, talking on Facebook about her new biography of the Obamas, reacts to a question on how Fox News and the Drudge Report were using her book "as a racial attack against the Obamas": ...

South Carolina, Home of Dark (Unsubstantiated) 'Undercurrents' of Politics

Welcome to South Carolina, "a place famous for surfacing the dark undercurrents of American politics," says campaign reporter Jim Rutenberg. But is there any evidence for his claims of a racially ...

Obama Appreciation, Tea Party Bashing on the Cover of the Sunday Book Review

Diversity, Times style: "Bipolar America," the cover feature for the Book Review, compiles reviews of three new books on Tea Party-related politics, one reviewed by veteran liberal journalist ...

'Right-Wing Blowhard' Bill O'Reilly Featured in Sunday Magazine Cover Story on Colbert

From the Times Sunday Magazine cover story profile of Comedy Central political parodist Stephen Colbert: "Though Colbert doesn't much resemble [Fox host Bill] O'Reilly physically, the persona has ...

Oh No: Former Klansman Was 'Appalled' by Rick Santorum's 'Insolence'

Mark Leibovich finds a late paragon of moral virtue, Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, to condemn comments the "pgymy" "bully" Rick Santorum made as a senator.

Times Uses GOP Sniping to Label 'Greedy Titan' Mitt Romney

In New Hampshire, Times reporters Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg eagerly forward crude anti-business stereotypes of Mitt Romney as a "job-killing corporate villain" and "greedy titan."

'Ethicist' Columnist Chooses Infanticide Advocate to Comment on Dog Dilemma

Peter Singer: "The wrongness of killing a dog is nothing like the wrongness of killing a normal non-infant human being." Notice the exceptions Singer carves out.

Ignoring History and CBO Gimmickry, NYT's Calmes Hits Romney Suggestion Obama-Care Will Cost Money

New York Times reporter Jackie Calmes claims Mitt Romney was false to say repealing the Obama-care would save money, citing "nonpartisan fact checkers and analyses like those of the Congressional ...

Hard-Left PBS Vet Bill Moyers Returns, to Fulsome Praise from the Times

Reporter Elizabeth Jensen's fulsome tribute to lefty public TV sage Bill Moyers: "...much will carry over from the old program, including Mr. Moyers's thoughtful interviews with thinkers who ...

'Conservative Christians': Another Biased Labeling Eruption at the Times

Conservative label overload: "Many religious conservatives question Mr. Romney's bona fides on what to them are non-negotiable issues, like opposing abortion and same-sex marriage. Pointing to the ...

Ignoring History and CBO Gimmickry, Calmes Hits Romney Suggestion Obama-Care Will Cost Money

Jackie Calmes claims Mitt Romney was false to say repealing the Obama-care would save money, citing "nonpartisan fact checkers and analyses like those of the Congressional Budget Office." Has she ...

Unrepentant NYT Editor Rosenthal Spews More Racism Accusations Against GOP

NYT Editorial Page Editor Andrew Rosenthal, prodded by criticism from The O'Reilly Factor, posted an update to his post offensively accusing House Speaker John Boehner of racism for asking Obama ...