Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

NYT Buried Barstow's Reluctant Pentagon Vindication on Christmas Day

New York Times reporter David Barstow won a Pulitzer Prize for his 2008 investigation alleging the Pentagon breached ethics in its briefings of TV and radio military analysts. But a Pentagon ...

'Worst Piece' of NYT Climate Reporting Ever? Justin Gillis's Christmas Day Snow Job

An environmental scientist eviscerates Justin Gillis's front-page article on extreme weather events and global warming as "perhaps the worst piece of reporting I've ever seen in the Times on ...

'Tis the Season to Fight 'Gross Inequality' and Shrink Our Carbon Footprint

Merry Christmas? The Times' Christmas editorial wishes for "an end to the conditions that cause war: gross inequality, intolerance, the endless, destructive struggle over natural resources..."

Barstow's Reluctant Pentagon Vindication Buried on Christmas Day

David Barstow won a Pulitzer Prize for his 2008 investigation alleging the Pentagon breached ethics in its briefings of TV and radio military analysts. But a Pentagon report showing no wrongdoing ...

What's This 'Us' Business? Friedman Laments of Obama: 'He's Never Leveraged Us'

On Charlie Rose, a roundtable including Times Executive Editor Jill Abramson and columnist Tom Friedman lamented President Obama's inability to convince Americans of his liberal agenda. Abramson ...

'Free Housing' an Aspect of Soviet Union's 'Appealing' Past

The advantages of Soviet Communism: "Dobrokhotov said that many aspects of the past - a stronger education system, free housing - now seemed appealing to young Russians."

Steinhauer Isolates GOP's Conservative House Majority on NYT Front Page: 'Very Much Alone'

A hostile Steinhauer dramatizes the isolation of the conservative flank of the Republican Party: "After defiantly rejecting a Senate compromise to extend a payroll tax break and jobless pay, ...

Art Critic Takes on 'Noxious Vibes Emanating' from the Ultra-Rich '1 Percent'

Taking on the "noxious" 1 percenters in the arts pages: "True, art-worldlings did at least adopt one thing from the Occupy Wall Street movement: a new identifying label for the source of ...

No, George Bush Didn't 'Go It Alone' in Iraq

This time reporter Mark Landler furthers the Times myth that President George W. Bush led America into a "unilateral invasion" of Iraq.

Double Standard: 'Enigmatic' North Korean 'Rulers,' but Right-Wing 'Dictators' Use 'Terror'

Can we declare a moratorium? December 17, 2011 web headline: "Kim Jong-il, North Korea's Enigmatic Strongman. A July 10, 1994 headline: "Kim Il Sung, Enigmatic 'Great Leader' of North Korea for 5 ...

Savage Again Protects Eric Holder, Downplays Fast and Furious, Lets AG Flip Race Card

Charlie Savage continues to downplay the "Fast and Furious" gunwalking scandal around Attorney General Eric Holder, while Times headlines showcase Holder standing standing brave and firm against a ...

GOP Moderates, Still 'Dwindling' Away After 15 Years

Political editor Richard Stevenson, December 2011: "Christine Todd Whitman, the former governor of New Jersey and one of a dwindling band of moderate Republicans..." Reporter Adam Clymer, ...

Paul Krugman, a Notable Quotable 2011 'Winner' for Exploiting Tragedy for Political Gain

For offensively exploiting tragedy for political gain after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and upon the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, New York Times columnist Paul ...

At Official End of Iraq War, Times Performs Front-Page Psychoanalysis of Haditha 'Massacre'

Newly discovered documents let the Times revisit, and psychoanalyze, what it has long touted as a massacre of innocent civilians: "Haditha became a defining moment of the war, helping cement an ...

Gingrich's 'Apocalyptic...Fierceness' Over the Iran Threat Seen as 'Simplistic'

Trip Gabriel: "And just as during the cold war, Mr. Gingrich frames the challenges in stark terms that can have an apocalyptic ring, as when he described Palestinians as an 'invented' people whose ...

Friedman: Netanyahu's Standing Ovation in Congress 'Bought and Paid for by the Israel Lobby'

Come again? "I sure hope that Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, understands that the standing ovation he got in Congress this year was not for his politics. That ovation was bought and ...

'Conservative' Christian Labeling Overdose in Iowa

Conservative, you say? Susan Saulny reports from Des Moines: "Bob Vander Plaats, president of the Family Leader, a conservative advocacy group popular with evangelical Christians here, has been ...

News Story Asserts Romney 'Overly Polished and Occasionally Robotic'

Ashley Parker, sounding more like a columnist than a campaign trail reporter: "Mitt Romney - he of the inscrutable, overly polished and occasionally robotic mien - is striving mightily to humanize ...

Keller: Gingrich Great on Illegal Immigration, But Still 'Makes Me Shudder'

Former Times executive editor praises (?) Gingrich: "There are plenty of reasons the thought of President Newt Gingrich makes me shudder. But on this hard, defining American issue, he's shown a ...

Sounding Desperate, NYT Warns of Military Takeover in Greece if Euro is Abandoned

Economics reporter Landon Thomas Jr. turns in his screenplay: "It would be Europe's worst nightmare: after weeks of rumors, the Greek prime minister announces late on a Saturday night that the ...