Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

NY Times Rips Gingrich's 'Doomsday' Nuclear Scenario, But Takes Enviro Apocalypse Seriously

The New York Times devoted its front page to nullifying Newt Gingrich's "far-fetched" alarm over a nuclear threat - yet never questioned the most apocalyptic doomsday scenarios put forth by ...

Euro-Philic NYT Paints 'Isolated' Britain As 'Big Loser' in Battle Over EU Accord

Despite the wrecked economies of Europe, there's little euro-skepticism among Times reporters: "The big loser in Brussels was Britain...[British PM David] Cameron was perceived as having made a ...

Inflating Gingrich's Israel Support to 'Damaging,' Distracting' Diplomatic Drama

Newt Gingrich's criticism of the Israel-Palestinian "peace process" "has the potential to be a distraction to his surging campaign." But isn't it popular with conservatives and conservative ...

Times Rips Gingrich's 'Doomsday' Nuclear Scenario, But Takes Enviro Apocalypse Seriously

The Times devotes its front page to nullifying Newt Gingrich's far-fetched alarm over a nuclear threat - yet the Times never questions the most apocalyptic doomsday scenarios put forth by ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Surging GOPers 'Are to Varying Degrees Yahoos'

Plus: London rioters spurred by altars to consumption and greed," and lefty "99 percent" slogan compared to "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death."

Surging GOPers 'Are to Varying Degrees Yahoos'

Plus: London rioters were spurred by "altars to consumption and greed," and the lefty "99 Percent" slogan compared to "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death."

'Conservatives' vs. 'Women's Rights Communities' on the Morning-After Pill

Labeling slant in a story on Obama blocking sale of the morning-after pill to girls under 17: "...with conservative and anti-abortion groups opposed and public health and women's rights groups in ...

'Trickle-Down Economics' Treated As Factual Term; 'Death Tax' Was Conservative Rhetoric

No quote marks? Richard Oppel Jr.: "Mr. Romney's remarks served as something of a rebuttal to a speech that Mr. Obama gave on Tuesday in Kansas, in which the president warned that trickle-down ...

Obama Allies Attack Newt, Mitt to NYT Applause, But Bush's 2004 Attacks Were Wrong

Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg: "The jabs at Mr. Gingrich are one part gleeful mischief-making and one part serious due diligence....Their unrelenting attacks on Mr. Romney, which culminated in a ...

Still No Leftist Labels for George Soros in Gushing Piece on His 'Generous Philanthropy'

Stephanie Strom again gushed over billionaire leftist George Soros without giving him an ideological label, and ignoring or glancing over past controversies financial and political: "That ability ...

First '99%', Now the 'Robin Hood Tax': NYT Reporters Celebrate Another Leftist Idea

Times reporters enthuse over yet another catchy left-wing idea: "They call it the Robin Hood tax - a tiny levy on trades in the financial markets that would take money from the banks and give it ...

Occupy's '99%' Slogan Cropping Up in Large Percentage of Unrelated NYT Stories

The left-wing slogan from Occupy Wall Street has settled into the collective consciousness of the New York Times, infecting stories from food to travel to Coco Chanel.

Occupy's '99%' Slogan Cropping Up in Large Percentage of Unrelated NYT Stories

The left-wing slogan from Occupy Wall Street has settled into the collective consciousness of the New York Times, infecting stories from food to travel to Coco Chanel.

Times Tanks Ireland's 'Austerity'-Based Recovery: It 'Looks to be Short-lived'

No room for optimism for reporter Liz Alderman in Ireland: "But the effects of austerity have pummeled Ireland's fragile economy, leaving scars that are likely to take years to heal. Nearly 40,000 ...

Former WH Reporter Bruni: Surging GOP Candidates 'Are to Varying Degrees Yahoos'

White House reporter turned columnist Frank Bruni gives Newt the most back-handed of all possible praise: "The candidates who surged before [Gingrich] are to varying degrees yahoos."

Reporter Asks If It's 'Dangerous' for GOP to Insult Occupy Wall Street Leftists

Sam Roberts on Republican candidates mocking Occupy Wall Street: Is that a potentially dangerous tactic, since even most Republican voters are more likely to be among the 99 percent than the one ...

NYT Headline Sees 'Boost for White House' in Latest Job Figure, But; WP Noted 'Many Quit Seeking Work'

Catherine Rampell on the latest underwhelming employment figures: "That looks like good news for President Obama as he heads into the 2012 presidential election - especially since just a few ...

NYT's Stelter Hails OWS '99%' Slogan, Compares It To 'Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death'

Times media reporter Brian Stelter embraces the OWS and its ubiquitous slogan, making audacious historical comparisons: "Slogans have emerged from American protest movements, successful and ...

Adam Nagourney Cheers on Democratic Tax Hikes in California

Los Angeles-based Nagourney ignores the already-steep taxes Californians pay, promotes even more: "Yet the sheer abundance of undisguised tax-increase proposals is the latest evidence that ...

Calmes Hails Dems Payroll Tax Tactic, Says GOP Opposition to Hikes on Rich Has Party in 'Political Bind'

Jackie Calmes once again, sees a triumphant Democratic Party and a vulnerable GOP: "Democrats have concluded from the payroll tax debate that Republicans are vulnerable over their opposition to ...