Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Former Reporter: GOP Peddling 'Easy Fairy Tales;' Stimulus 'Saved Millions of Jobs'

Former reporter Firestone on the GOP field: "These candidates are peddling the worst kind of easy fairy tales to those voters who value simplistic prescriptions over hard choices. President Obama ...

Editorial Holds Out Hope for Unenlightened Conservative Mississippians

"Unfortunately, Mississippi voters were not as enlightened, approving a new requirement for identification cards at the polls. But, even the voters in that state, one of the country's most ...

Times Spikes Fast & Furious Hearing in Print, Omits Eric Holder's Admission Completely

So what did AG Eric Holder know and when did he know it? Savage doesn't say: "Senator Charles E. Grassley...also sought to keep the focus on Fast and Furious, grilling Mr. Holder about what and ...

Twice Omitting Obama from Headline to Embarrassing Insults of Netanyahu

But exactly who was French President Sarkozy talking to? "In Overheard Comments, Sarkozy Calls Netanyahu a 'Liar.'" and "Romney on Israel, Intentionally."

Greenhouse Cheers on Big Labor, Occupy Wall Street Romance

Go OWS! Steven Greenhouse on Big Labor's "flirtation" with Occupy Wall Street: "Labor unions, marveling at how the protesters have fired up the public on traditional labor issues like income ...

Times Finally Notices Crime, Dangerous Environment at Occupy Wall Street

Finally, the Times starts doing what the New York Post has been doing for weeks: "The arrest of a Crown Heights man last week on charges of sexually assaulting a protester at Zuccotti Park added ...

No Liberal Controversy This Time: Kakutani Praises Bill Clinton's Latest Book

No Kakutani-Clinton controversy here: Bill Clinton's new book is "a lucid one-man rebuttal of the Tea Party's anti-government agenda. A series of shrewd talking points for Democrats trying to hold ...

Editorial Cheerleads for 'Inspiring' OWS, Dismisses Violence as 'Fringe'

"The Occupy Wall Street protest continues to inspire demonstrators across the nation and beyond....Headlines lately have focused on two nights of sporadic violence in Oakland, Calif., marked by ...

Seat-Mate-Gate? More Silly Sniping at 'Aloof...Wooden' Mitt Romney

More silly sniping at Mitt Romney: "According to Ms. McClanahan, about an hour into the flight....she told him her idea for improving the American health care system: 'He looked at me blankly and ...

NYT: OWS Troublemakers Merely Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the Behavior of People'

The New York Times today: "Many protesters say the lawless visitors constitute a tiny fringe and are not representative of the movement....the criminal and antisocial elements are a small ...

Stevenson Makes 'Nuanced' Defense of Obama's 2009 Prediction of 6.5% Unemployment

Richard Stevenson: "...there's a persuasive case that the report actually did not get it all that wrong....Despite repeated Republican claims to the contrary, the stimulus bill created at least ...

OWS Troublemakers Are Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the Behavior of People'

The Times today: "Many protesters say the lawless visitors constitute a tiny fringe and are not representative of the movement....the criminal and antisocial elements are a small minority..." ...

NYT Reporter: Harassment Claim Blame Falls Solely on Cain

So much for presumed innocent. Sam Roberts on Herman Cain's response to anonymous sexual harassment allegations: "But isn't the more fundamental question, that he has no one except himself to blame?"

Times Hypes Misleading 'Food Stamp Challenge,' Left-Wing FRAC

To Eric Lichtblau, the left-wing Food Research Action Council, which pushes the misleading "food stamp challenge" publicity stunt, is merely "a Washington advocacy group working with religious ...

On Front Page, Times Admits Poverty Problem Overstated for Years

But reporter Jason DeParle once condemned Bill Clinton for signing a welfare reform bill that "begrudges poor infants their Pampers."

'Largely Peaceful March' in Oakland? Times Again Downplays Occupy's Destruction

The Times conveniently blames "fringe protesters" for violence after an "orderly day" of marches. But just how "fringe" were the vandals and fire-setters?

Kristof Cringes at Thought of More Harmful Humans Being Born

Columnist Kristof: "So as we greet the seven-billionth human, let's try to delay the arrival of the eight billionth. We should all be able to agree on voluntary family planning as a cost-effective ...

One Protester = 61 Square Inches of Newspaper Space?

Protest priorities at the Times? A single protester of a move by Republican Gov. Jan Brewer on Arizona redistricting garnered the second-most space of any photograph in Thursday's edition.

Times Downplays Occupy Oakland Destruction; Will Violence Show Up in Print?

Maria Wollan for Thursday's edition: "Despite the disruption of work, the crowd at the port was peaceful." Many paragraphs later: "The mood at the protest remained jovial throughout the ...

Maureen Dowd on 'Wacky Black Conservatives' Like Herman Cain

Columnist Maureen Dowd: "Even Barack Obama couldn't be lucky enough to waltz past two wacky black conservatives, first Alan Keyes and then Cain. The Herminator was just a raffish passing fancy..."