Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Obama's 'Political Victory' Makes Lead Story; His 'Major Setback' Set Back on Page 13

Double standards on story placement? A story on passage of trade agreements promising "minor" economic benefits makes Thursday's lead slot and is trumpeted as a "political victory," yet when ...

Stelter Promotes More Wall St. Protest Coverage; His Tea Party Reports Were Distrustful

Times media reporter reports reporting on Occupy Wall Street: "As the Occupy Wall Street message of representing 99 percent of Americans has spread across the country, news media coverage of the ...

Times Again Tries to Attract IRS Attention to Conservative Nonprofit

Evan Lehmann, reporter for Times-affiliated Climate Wire, throws out some red meat for the IRS: "The conservative nonprofit Americans for Prosperity unleashed a volley of ads aimed at Democrats in ...

Krugman Disappoints His Leftist Legions: 'Why I'm Not in Zuccotti Park'

He's surely there in spirit: "Some readers have been asking me to go make a speech at one of the OWS demonstrations. If you think about it, however, you'll see why I can't."

Bill Keller: Sure the Times Is Liberal, if by Liberal You Mean Cool

Former Executive Editor Bill Keller talks of his paper's stance in Texas: "...we are liberal in the sense that we are open-minded, tolerant, urban. Our wedding page includes - and did even before ...

Keller Blames Global Warming, Texas Libertarianism for Wildfire Devastation

Former Executive Editor Bill Keller used an Obama-minted talking point to make a political statement about the tragic wildfires in Texas: "Actually there is a more immediately consequential link ...

NYT Claims Fox Host Hannity Abets 'Inflammatory Rhetoric'; Fiery Leftist PBS Host Avoids Criticism

New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter marked the 15th anniversary of Fox News by accusing host Sean Hannity of "instigating" "inflammatory rhetoric," yet was silent on harsh things actually ...

Fox Host Hannity Abets 'Inflammatory Rhetoric'; Fiery Leftist PBS Host Avoids Criticism

Times media reporter Brian Stelter marked the 15th anniversary of Fox News by accusing host Sean Hannity of "instigating" "inflammatory rhetoric," yet was silent on harsh things actually said by ...

Former Editor Bill Keller Slams 'Doofus' Rick Perry

Bill Keller, the paper's former executive editor, on Gov. Perry: "Yes, his polls have withered under attack, and he's come across in a couple of debates as a doofus....[Perry provides] a wink to ...

Proof of Rick Perry's Racial Insensitivity: Mentioning Jesse Jackson in an Ad?

Shocking news of Perry's racist past? Not exactly: "An early life in which exposure to diversity was not a common feature....In his early political career, Mr. Perry occasionally offended ...

Sunday Is for Celebrating 'Occupy Wall Street' at the New York Times

From designing protest logos to filing laudatory editorials and news stories, the New York Times is celebrating the leftist ("populist") protests on Wall Street: "As the Occupy Wall Street ...

Sunday Is for Celebrating 'Occupy Wall Street' at the Times

From designing protest logos to filing laudatory editorials and news stories, the Times is celebrating the leftist ("populist") protests on Wall Street: "As the Occupy Wall Street protests spread ...

NY Times Touts 'Unexpected Success' of Wall Street Protest; Almost Ignored NYC Tea Party in 2009

The left-wing, anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street camp-out in Manhattan made the front of Thursday's New York Times along with a large photo. It's a far cry from the paper's coverage of the first ...

Times Touts 'Unexpected Success' of Wall Street Protest; Almost Ignored NYC Tea Party in 2009

Promotional coverage of the Occupy Wall Street crowd on the front page of the Times: "In fact, the unexpected success of Occupy Wall Street in leveling criticism of corporate America has stirred ...

Thomas Friedman: G.O.P. 'A Danger to Itself and to the Country'

Thomas Friedman declares one of the two major parties a danger to the nation: "When the G.O.P. presidential candidates were asked during their debate on Aug. 11 whether any of them would accept a ...

Collins: Tea Party Only Latest 'Crazed Right-Wing Upheaval'

Gail Collins: "The Tea Party, whatever it pretends, is just the latest manifestation of the right wing's refusal to accept the idea of Democrats running the government. Every time one gets ...

Spinning for Obama in the Heart of Texas

Obama's a hit in Texas! Among college students, anyway: "'Give me a win? Give me a break,' he said, bringing the enthusiastic and diverse crowd of more than 1,000 to its feet."

After Law, Illegals 'Vanishing' in Alabama 'Like the Aftermath of Some Sort of Rapture'

When does the movie come out? "The vanishing began Wednesday night, the most frightened families packing up their cars as soon as they heard the news....In certain neighborhoods the streets are ...

Austria Parties Are 'Far-Right,' You Say?

Reporter Nicholas Kulish gets label-happy in a dispatch from the euro-zone bailout battles.

NYT Calls Anti-Capitalism Protests a 'Populist Campaign...Clearly Tapped into a Deep Vein of Anger'

The New York Times treats the leftist "Occupiers" as a genuine popular movement: "A loose-knit populist campaign that started on Wall Street three weeks ago has spread to dozens of cities across ...