Clay Waters

Clay Waters is director of Times Watch, a division of the Media Research Center (MRC) that tracks the liberal bias of the New York Times. You can follow Times Watch on Twitter and Facebook.

Author Articles

Krugman Offensive Again on 10th Anniversary of 9-11: Bush, Giuliani 'Fake Heroes'

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman: "What happened after 9/11 - and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not - was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been ...

Times Commemorates 9-11: Rise in Hate Crimes, Xenophobia Against Muslims

The Times' special 9-11 section finds "rising hate crimes" and "antipathy" against Muslims in the U.S....but the "hate crime" rate against Jews is much higher. And an editorial laments the "rise ...

Krugman Offensive Again on 10th Anniversary of 9-11: Bush, Giuliani Among 'Fake Heroes'

"What happened after 9/11 - and I think even people on the right know this, whether they admit it or not - was deeply shameful. The atrocity should have been a unifying event, but instead it ...

10 Years On: The New York Times and 9-11

After committing heroic journalism in the days and weeks after the attacks on September 11, 2001, New York Times journalists slipped back into partisan liberal patterns, blaming Bush for failing ...

10 Years On: The New York Times and 9-11

After committing heroic journalism in the days and weeks after the attacks on September 11, 2001, Times journalists slipped back into partisan liberal patterns, blaming Bush for failing to stop ...

Times Approves of Obama's 'Punchy Tone' and 'Politically Moderate Proposals'

Mark Landler likes what he heard, even though the markets didn't: "Mixing politically moderate proposals with a punchy tone, President Obama challenged lawmakers on Thursday to 'pass this jobs ...

The New York Times vs. Fiscal Discipline, Again

Monica Davey in Michigan: "Six states have approved reductions in the length of state unemployment benefits. The notion appalls people like Jeananne Bishop, who has been desperately searching for ...

News Story Hits G.O.P.'s 'Untrue...Misleading' Claims About Drilling, Social Security

Three liberal reporters teamed up to fact-check the Republican debate (and defend President Obama): "The candidates' arguments run into factual hurdles."

Stingy Perry 'Cemented' Texas's Status as Health Care Pariah State

Kevin Sack: "Mr. Perry, by contrast, eschewed direct efforts to expand coverage in Texas and cemented its status as the state with the highest rate of people without insurance....After Mr. Perry's ...

Book Review Leads With Warnings of 'Rabid' Anti-Obama Conservatives

Editorialist Brent Staples carries his trade to the front of the Times Sunday Book Review: "Obama clearly went to Washington with a healthy respect for rational, principled conservatism. He was ...

Poor, Disrespected Obama: Republicans 'Simply Do Not Like the Man'

Jennifer Steinhauer spins a Republican request that Obama address Congress on a different night from the presidential debate as "disrespect" for the president, and played the race card: "There is ...

NYT's Calmes Ignores Hoffa's'Take These Son of a Bitches Out' Tea Party Attack

And Obama is still not to blame for the lousy economy, suggests NYTimes reporter Jackie Calmes: "The president's Labor Day addresses trace the stubbornness of the crisis he inherited....a ...

Calmes Ignores Hoffa's'Take These Son of a Bitches Out' Tea Party Attack at Obama Rally

Obama, still not to blame: "The president's Labor Day addresses trace the stubbornness of the crisis he inherited....a Democratic-controlled Congress had passed his two-year, $800 billion stimulus ...

Reporter Michael Shear Defends Social Security, Obama-Care Against Gov. Perry's Attacks

Reporter Michael Shear takes it upon himself to defend liberal programs: "When it comes to health care, Mr. Perry writes that President Obama's legislation on the subject was 'the closest this ...

With Job Growth at Zero, Calmes Still Insists Obama's 'Stimulus' Worked

Reporter Jackie Calmes, still cheerleading for Obama's "economic stimulus" plan: "Nonpartisan analysts and the Congressional Budget Office have credited the first stimulus package with helping to ...

Journalists Warned by NY Times: Beware of Conservative Bloggers Targeting You

Welcome to the club. NYT's Jeremy Peters reports: "Preparing journalists to cover the presidential campaign these days is also an exercise in indiscretion management. In the new dynamic of ...

Journalists Warned: Beware of Conservative Bloggers Who Will Target You

Welcome to the club. Jeremy Peters reports: "Preparing journalists to cover the presidential campaign these days is also an exercise in indiscretion management. In the new dynamic of campaigns, ...

'Unsettling' For Conservatives To Suggest Actually Paying for Disaster Relief

In reporter Carl Hulse's view, "independent" (i.e. socialist) Sen. Bernie Sanders and White House spokesman Jay Carney are advancing sensible views on disaster relief to counteract "unsettling" ...

Buffett's 'Tax Me Please' Philosophy Welcomed in Europe, Cure for 'Social Unrest'

Reporter Julia Werdigier suggests higher taxes would have stopped the riots in Europe. "Some analysts said the calls for greater sacrifice from Europe's wealthy might have sprung from growing ...

Enviro Reporter Rosenthal to China and India: Just Sweat It Out

Elisabeth Rosenthal says let them sweat, in the name of the planet: "As more people in more countries come to rely on air-conditioning, the idea of thermal comfort may need to be rethought to curb ...