Robert Knight

Author Articles

Drop the Scare Quotes – Call It Partial-Birth Abortion

The next time you hear a reporter use the term so-called 'partial birth abortion,' or the procedure that opponents call 'partial birth abortion,' keep in mind that he's making an editorial comment ...

Obscene Material -- Hard-Core Porn -- Is Not Constitutionally Protected Speech

While the ACLU and liberal judges have managed to create a body of distorted case law in which soft-core porn has legal protection, the hardcore stuff found in adult stores does not. Hard-core ...

Shhh! There's a Boycott Going On!

Since March 2006, the AFA and 18 other pro-family organizations have targeted Ford over the company's donations to homosexual political groups and advertisements in homosexual-themed magazines. ...

The View from the Bottom

The girls on The View are unanimous: Homosexuality is not only morally right but probably ought to be encouraged if we want to keep our military strong.

Madonna's Dilemma: Survey Shows America in Cultural, Spiritual Confusion

Some 74 percent of Americans believe our nation has suffered a moral decline during the past twenty years, and 64 percent believe the media are a major factor in that decline.

The New York Times and the Gospel Truth

The New York Times has been in the forefront of the conservative Christian-bashing, running voluminous pieces that accuse churches of avoiding taxes and warning darkly that the Christian Right is ...

Weird Men from Mars and Chevy

This year's Super Bowl ads illustrate the sharp divide in American culture.

Super Bowl Promoters Make Offensive Calls

NFL cracks down on a church, but plays footsie with a racy advertiser.

TV Critics Smear "Scary" Bible Belt

Worldnetdaily Column: CMI's Robert Knight and Kristen Fyfe blast reviews of HBO documentary about evangelical Christianity

New York Times Spins Leftist Social Agenda into 'Governing from the Center'

Promoting high-octane social liberalism is not centrist government.

In Chicago, a Fairy and Santa Are In, Jesus Is Out

The Christkindl, or Christmas Fairy, is welcome at a Christmas festival in Chicago. So is Santa Claus. But a film about the birth of Jesus has provoked city officials to lower the boom.

Throwing the Book at 'Religious Right'

Halloween and the election are over, but the media's favorite boogeyman is still roaming the land.

Media Downplay New Jersey's Gay Marriage Ruling as Election Day Approaches

The major media are soft-selling the New Jersey Supreme Court's Wednesday decision ordering "gay marriage" or its equivalent, lest the ruling become a fire bell in the night for social ...