Tim Graham

Director of Media Analysis
Author Articles

If Only The Chinese Wore Trench Coats...

Tom Brokaw Asked Clinton About China, But NBC Regularly Skips Reporting New China Revelations

TV's Great Stonewall of China Continues

Energy Department Misleads Congress, Delays Release of Report to the Public, But Where Are the Nets?

Contempt Ruling Doesn't Beat Boffo Visuals

Ratings Candy - Great Video of a Copter Rescue in a Fire - Beats A Historic Black Mark for Clinton

Broadcast Blackout on Beijing Bombshell

Networks Go Whistling Past the Graveyard of Democrats' Claims of Innocence on Chinese Connection

Suddenly Hawkish on Humanitarian Wars

Clinton Team Spared Quick-Trigger Negativity of News Coverage of Grenada, Libya, Panama, Gulf War

Which Vice President is the King of Gaffes?

Gore Has a History of Silly Flubs and Boasts, and the Networks Have a History of Ignoring Them

Which Beret to Wear During Incineration?

Potential Chinese Warhead Threat Gets Less Morning and Evening Coverage Than the Monica Book

Monica and George Are Hot, Not Juanita

Despite Continuing Developments, Networks Stick to Ignoring the Juanita Broaddrick Cloud

When Is A Rape Charge Irrelevant?

Media Establishment Complains Standards Have Changed, But All That's Changed Are the Targets

NBC Put Broaddrick On: Now What?

ABC, CBS Morning Shows are Silent, While Most Major Media Web Sites Pretend Story Doesn't Exist

Dateline's Double Standard on Betrayal

Linda Tripp (Starr-Helper) Trashed, Julie Hiatt Steele (Starr-Hater) Promoted, Broaddrick Still Ignored

The News Magazines Look Past a Verdict

Hecklers Present Wisdom, House Managers are "Two-Year-Olds," and Al Gore Wins with Democrats

Will Jane Doe End Up As Jane Don't?

NBC Policy of "Locking Up" Broaddrick Interview Wasn't Used with Bernardin, Thomas, Nancy Reagan

Cheryl Mills: Liar, Obstructor...Heroine?

Why Do Reporters Lionize Clinton Aides Who Advocate Lying or Giving Nothing to Reporters?

Al Gore Voted to Remove Judges for Less?

Media Ignore Blatant Double Standard of Many Senate Democrats Who Convicted Perjurious Judges

ABC: Larry Flynt's Outreach Partner

Pornographer's Credibility, Clinton Ties Barely Touched While Anti-Clinton Guests Attacked or Ignored

Selling the Spectre of "McCarthyism"

Do the Media Care About Guilt or Innocence Or Just Preventing Answers to Inconvenient Questions?

To Us a Secular Liberal Savior is Born?

Christmas Reminds Us That Media Figures Have Exploited Their Idea of Jesus in Political Terms

Will Liberals Waive Their War-Powers Stand?

John Conyers, Jesse Jackson, and Activist Groups Backed Impeachment for Reagan's Military Actions

Diane Sawyer's Judgment of the "Judgmental"

Ken Starr Might Have Thought Twice About An Interview If He Knew ABC Host's Body of Work