Responding on Tuesday to NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer wondering if Tim
Tebow would be the "right fit" for the New York Jets, advertising
executive Donny Deutsch predicted the faithful quarterback was doomed: "Wrong.
Couldn't have made a worse move. This will be his Waterloo. New York
will take him down. We are a very tough, jaded city. They're not going
to buy this unconditional love."
Lauer set up the question to the show's Today's Professionals panel by
describing the New York culture as antithetical to Tebow's Christian
values: "Is this a fit? This is New York City. The city that never
sleeps. This is Joe Namath town, that he owned as a swinging bachelor.
It's the city of A-Rod and Donald Trump."
Thursday, Lauer posed the same question to his fellow co-hosts, with
Ann Curry observing: "You know, he's so clean-cut, he's so earnest. And –
and this is a tough town. New York is a very tough town." Savannah
Guthrie announced it would be a "culture shock."
News anchor Natalie Morales joked: "I was going to say, it's a good
thing the New York press is so forgiving – not!" Guthrie chimed in: "No,
are you kidding? The tabloids are saying, 'Thank you, God. There is a
Lauer noted how the reaction to the move was "very mixed" and that,
"There's a lot of negative comments, a lot of negative tweets. Joe Willy
Nameth, the legendary coach – I mean, quarterback of the New York Jets,
said he thinks it's a bad idea...Publicity stunt."
Later, weatherman Al Roker described the Jets as having "an
embarrassment of riches" with Tebow on the team. Guthrie pointed out:
"But, Tebow, isn't he known for inspiring and motivating his team mates?
So maybe he'll be a positive force on the team." Curry concluded:
"Welcome to New York Tim Tebow. We're excited to have you....Forget
about all this talk."
Here is a transcript of Deutsch's March 27 comments:
8:16AM ET
LAUER: Minute left, Tim Tebow introduced to the New York press
yesterday as the new backup quarterback for the New York Jets. It was a
spectacle press conference. Is this a fit? This is New York City. The
city that never sleeps. This is Joe Namath town, that he owned as a
swinging bachelor. It's the city of A-Rod and Donald Trump. Is Tim Tebow
the right fit for this...
LAUER: Well, I doubt it. Is he the right fit for this city?
DONNY DEUTSCH: Wrong. Couldn't have made a worse move. This will be his
Waterloo. New York will take him down. We are a very tough, jaded city.
They're not going to buy this unconditional love. I wish I was advising
him. He should have steered right to Jacksonville.
STAR JONES: If he is authentic, then it will be fine
LAUER: I gotta go, alright? Star, Donny, Nancy, thank you very much.
SNYDERMAN: You bet, Matt.
-- Kyle Drennen is a news analyst at the Media Research Center. Click here [1] to follow Kyle Drennen on Twitter.