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The top Oscar-nominated films of 2005 were newsworthy because of their overwhelmingly liberal agenda. The movies the Hollywood elite chose to honor undermined traditional values, celebrated homosexual or transsexual lifestyles and attacked whole sectors of American business. Three movies had the sole purpose of being hit pieces on entire industries - mining, oil and pharmaceuticals.
Businessmen fared even worse. Directors cast businessmen as villains, criminals, bigots and murderers. Only one major character actively engaged in business was both successful and ethical. BMI looked at the 16 films that received 2005's 30 nominations for the top Oscar awards - Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress. The Oscars are the pinnacle of cinematic success and are an essential measure to determine how Hollywood perceives the American businessman. In this look at the silver screen, BMI found:
The Best Portrayal of a Businessman Is …: 'Cinderella Man's' Joe Gould was the kind of businessman anyone would want in his corner. Gould, a boxing manager, was the ideal risk-taker. He bet the furniture from his home on 'something' he saw in a boxer. He even stood up to the deadly boxing champ Max Baer during the championship fight.
BMI Recommends:
Make Films People Want: Not one of the three anti-industry films - 'Syriana,' 'North Country,' and 'Constant Gardener' - cracked the top 50 box office hits for the year. Hollywood executives might consider what audiences want rather than simply bashing business.