The emerging scandals covering the White House are not all Obama's responsibility, suggests Jeremy Peters: "The challenges underscore a paradox about the 44th president. He
presides over a ...
Congressional reporter Ashley Parker, almost ignoring the burgeoning scandals overwhelming the White House this week, focused on poor abandoned Obama in a clip: "I mean, if I were him, ...
This Friday, May 17, will be the final day for TimesWatch posts. The
Media Research Center will be consolidating products and, as a result,
TimesWatch posts and the TimesWatch Tracker will be ...
Times reporter Jonathan Weisman keeps his journalistic priorities in order -- harsh Republican partisanship over the substance of their actual accusations: "President Obama, facing re-energized ...
Columnist Frank Bruni: "....about 65 percent of us
can’t name a single Supreme Court justice. Not the chief one, John
Roberts. Not the mute one, Clarence Thomas. Not even the mean one, ...
Public editor Margaret Sullivan criticized her paper's soft coverage of the Obama scandals in Benghazi and the Internal Revenue Service: "Many
on the right -- as noted last week in my blog posts ...
The New York Times unsurprisingly stuck by its biased language on the abortion issue as it broke the news that a jury had found Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell guilty of three counts ...
An unusual two-column lead headline tried to stir up global warming fears: "Heat-Trapping Gas Passes Milestone, Raising Fears." Catchy headline; too bad it's false, according to the Los Angeles ...