
Media Research Center

CDC Exonerates Vaccines Years After Media Stirred Up Fears

Dr. Frank DeStefano studied over 1,000 children; found no vaccine-autism connection.
Media Research Center

NY Times Falsely Hints Racism Played a Role in Atlanta Schools Cheating Scandal

The Times trots out a defense of the indefensible in an Atlanta case of teachers altering government test scores to falsely boost achievement rates of minority students: "Critics said racism was ...
Media Research Center

Bill Moyers: ‘The Pledge of Allegiance is a Lie’

Taxpayer-funded PBS personality says pledge ‘makes the hypocrisy go down easier.’
Media Research Center

Higher Gas Prices the ‘Price of Cleaner Air’

ABC, CBS, NBC promote new EPA regulations, undermine critics.
Media Research Center

NYT Pitches Sunny Harry Reid as Force on Gun Control, Downplays His Burial of Assault Weapons Ban

Ugh. Jennifer Steinhauer on the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Mr. Reid remains an enigma of sorts in Washington, a quiet force whose voice is often barely audible, who skips Sunday talk ...
Media Research Center

Krugman Credits Cali's Comeback to Fighting 'Fanatical' Conservatives on Tax Hikes

California is making a comeback, says New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, and you'll never guess why: "Unemployment in California remains high, but it’s coming down -- and there’s a ...
Media Research Center

The Planet is Doomed No Matter What

Earth Day: ‘ecological footprint’ game ironically predicts resource depletion even for extremely eco-conscious.
Media Research Center

Trip Gabriel's Hostile Trip to a 'White, Ethnic' Enclave of Pennsylvania 'Insensitive' to Illegal Immigrants

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel sniffs the air in a former Pennsylvania coal town that was among the first to try and "make life difficult for illegal immigrants": "Hazleton evokes the ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Public Editor Thinks Latest Front-Page NYPD Racial Profiling Accusations Overstated

The NYT's liberal public editor faults the latest front-page accusation of racial profiling on the part of the NYPD: "But with its emphasis on one sentence -- without enough context -- and its ...
Media Research Center

End of a Sorry Student Testing Saga for the New York Times and Beverly Hall

A front-page New York Times story by Michael Winerip on indictments in a student testing scandal in Atlanta involving Beverly Hall, former superintendent of that city's predominantly minority ...
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