New York Times economics reporter (and wife of left-wing blogger Ezra Klein) Annie Lowrey again touts the resume of a "respected" left-wing economist who loves huge tax hikes and a higher minimum ...
New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel promoted movie star and aspiring liberal politician Ashley Judd: "Kentuckians Don’t Rule Out a Star as a Senator." Gabriel wrote: "How serious could such a ...
Maureen Dowd's column about the lack of veracity in the current crop of
award-nominated movies has some revelations on the true history behin "Lincoln." But Dowd is the last person to
credibly ...
Sundance glorified adultery, porn, and sex with minors during the 2013 Sundance
Festival, but now another topic received excruciating recognition: death.
Robert Draper in the Times magazine: "But [Lee] Atwater, the legendary R.N.C. chairman, did not have to worry
about freelance voices like Limbaugh and Todd Akin offending whole
swaths of ...
Reporter Jonathan Weisman is shocked, shocked to find partisanship in the U.S. Senate: "Without
naming names, Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California, offered a
biting label for the ...