
Cheap Shot Alert on Earmarks

David Kirkpatrick zings the GOP in his lead sentence.

NBC to Expand from News to Education

The network wants to increase its future audience while simultaneously educating high school students -- but what do they intend to teach?

Finally: "Civil War" Among Palestinians As Well As in Iraq

After a month of the euphemistic phrase "factional fighting," the Times finally suggests "civil war" may be taking place in the Gaza Strip.

ABC 'World News' Uses Questionable Data in Home Foreclosure Story

Report states foreclosures up 90 percent, although source admits its own foreclosure data is susceptible to error.

'Evening News' Paints Late Retirement as Hardship

But CBS report contradicts data showing baby boomers much better off now than 50 years ago.

Media Exaggerate Student Loan 'Crisis'

Following liberal attorney general's lead, journalists portray lenders as malicious source of students' debt woes.

CNN: Americans 'work more than medieval peasants'

'In the Money' show reporter complains employees don't get enough time off.

"Strident" Conservative Busybodies with a "Black-and-White" Attitude Toward Illegals

How dare he: "[Steve] Levy has held to a black-and-white assertion: Illegal immigration is illegal, and should be punished."

Judges Throw Up Roadblocks as Communities Struggle to Enforce Laws Against Illegal Immigrants - and the Media Fail to Tell the Story

Networks, press largely ignore that courts are frustrating small town efforts to address illegal immigration.

Role Models for Girls: Choice of Two, Take Your Pick

The Olympic athlete/Playboy model, or the squeaky clean teen movie star?
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