
GMA Promotes ATV Regulation

'Safety Alert' excludes proponents of personal responsibility

Will Sarkozy's "Divisive Legislation" Lead to More Violence in France?

Craig Smith blames Sarkozy for possible future thuggery: "Many people fear that the violence is just a taste of what is to come if Mr. Sarkozy makes good on his campaign promises to push through ...

CBS and ABC Misreport 'Record' Gas Prices, Again

Both evening newscasts use faulty math to hype rising pump costs.

The Influential, Conservative "Heritage Society"?

The Times needs to brush up on the names of conservative groups.

Fear or Bigotry? PBS to Reveal 'Truth' of the Inquisition

The Public Broadcasting System is planning to air a documentary certain to offend Catholics scant weeks after canceling a documentary for fear of offending Muslims.

Media Ignores Study Revealing Anti-Evangelical Bias

Isn't it newsworthy that a majority of American college faculty members hold unfavorable views of evangelical Christians?

Outgoing "Public Editor" Piles on Praise for "An Exceptional Newspaper"

Blunt in-house criticism? Didn't happen.

"Ruthless, Us-Against-Them" Sarkozy Wins French Presidency

Bitter Sciolino on conservative Sarkozy's victory in France: "In this election, authority apparently is deemed to be more important than compassion."

The McGreeveys' Media Week

Manipulation of the media is alive and well in America.

Eco-Extremist Wants World Population to Drop below 1 Billion

Sea Shepherd founder says mankind is a 'virus' and we need to 're-wild the planet.'
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