
What a Difference a Judge Makes

The magnitude of who gets to appoint the next justice to the United States Supreme Court is supremely illustrated by the Court's ruling today upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.

PTC: TV Networks Get 'F' for Ratings

New study shows networks fail to warn parents about program content

Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter & Editor Proud to Take Down "Wall of Hatred" Against U.S. Muslims

Andrea Elliott and her editor hope their Pulitzer Prize winning series on a Muslim imam in Brooklyn "helped open...doors" and remove bricks from the "wall of hatred" erected against Muslims in ...

AARP Quest for Health Care 'Leverage' Doesn't Bother New York Times

Group's move toward health insurance is controversial, but reporter Robert Pear only talks with AARP execs and allies.

Using Virginia Tech Massacre to Bring Up Gun Control

The mass murder at Virginia Tech leads to talk of gun control.

Liberal Media Use Flawed Study to Attack Abstinence-Only Education

For every study that disparages the abstinence approach, there are many others that point to its success and suggest that effective, long-term programs should be given more funding—not less.

Student Loan Providers 'Sound Like Drug Companies,' CNN Reporter Scolds

'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.

Times Details Allegations Against Imams - on the Op-ed Page, Anyway

Op-ed contributor James Zumwalt does what the Times hadn't, laying out complaints made by fellow airline passengers of suspicious behavior by six Muslim leaders.

Times' Columnist Attacks "Demonization" of Innocent Duke Players

Was sports columnist Selena Roberts listening?

Paul Krugman Takes on Bushie "Theocrats" and Their "Strategy of Infiltration"

Horrors! "But did you know that Rachel Paulose, the U.S. attorney in, according to a local news report, in the habit of quoting Bible verses in the office?"
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