
Blaming Bush for U.N. Inaction in Darfur

"But Bush administration officials have promised action before and come up short....Now, more than six months later, there is still no United Nations peacekeeping force in Darfur."

CNN's Velshi Misreports Tax Numbers While 'Minding Your Business'

Reporter emphasizes 'cost' of repeal, but gets it wrong.

Only ABC Addresses Broader Context of Imus Firing Adequately

Is the story of the firing of radio shock jock Don Imus only about racism, or is it also about hatred and incivility in hip hop culture?

Blood, Guts, but No (Box-Office) Glory

The message comes across loud and clear. Hollywood wants more – more violence, more gore, more blood. But another message, while a whisper, is just as powerful. Last weekend's box office ...

Obscene Material -- Hard-Core Porn -- Is Not Constitutionally Protected Speech

While the ACLU and liberal judges have managed to create a body of distorted case law in which soft-core porn has legal protection, the hardcore stuff found in adult stores does not. Hard-core ...

On Duke Lacrosse, the Times Has Some Explaining to Do

The Times leads with the exoneration of the Duke lacrosse players - after a year's worth of misleading coverage.

Nagourney to McCain: Don't Mention the War

Adam Nagourney on McCain's pro-war speech at the Virginia Military Institute: "Mr. McCain, a Republican whose presidential candidacy has been shaken by his support of the war...."

CNN's Velshi Says Carbon Regulation Is 'Right Direction'

'American Morning' supports mandatory plan so 'people won't have to make choices.'

Holding a Grudge Against France's Tough-on-Crime Candidate

Reporter Elaine Sciolino again calls tough-on-crime French candidate Nicolas Sarkozy "a man more feared than loved."

Media Cash In on Racism

What is newsworthy about the latest Imus insult in the morning isn't that liberal and conservative commentators alike expressed moral outrage at Imus' remarks—it's that they agreed that Imus ...
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