Carlo Rotella en NY Times Magazine Remembers the 'Patriotic Fatwa' Against the Dixie Chicks <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/clay-waters">Clay Waters</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>The <em>New York Times Magazine</em> profile of young, nontraditional country singer Kathy Musgraves by contributor <a href=";pagewanted=all">Carlo Rotella</a> was infected with smug urban liberalism and a stale defense of the defunct Dixie Chicks, "who had a patriotic fatwa declared against them for saying they were against the war in Iraq and ashamed that George W.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles TimesWatch Carlo Rotella Clear Channel Country Music Dixie Chicks Kathy Musgraves Nashville Mon, 18 Mar 2013 18:25:03 +0000 clay.waters 42944 at