Wisconsin http://archive2.mrc.org/taxonomy/term/328/all en CKE Restaurants CEO Says Media Unfairly Attacked Gov. Walker’s Job Policies http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/cke-restaurants-ceo-says-media-unfairly-attacked-gov-walkers-job-policies <div class="field field-type-text field-field-subtitle"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Wisconsin under Walker has done ‘better than probably any state,’ Andrew Puzder tells CNBC. </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/joseph-rossell">Joseph Rossell</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><iframe src="http://www.mrctv.org/embed/135845" width="520" height="293" frameborder="0"></iframe></p><p dir="ltr">A prominent American businessman said the media have unfairly “pounced” on recent data to slam Gov. Scott Walker’s employment policies in Wisconsin.</p><p dir="ltr">CKE Restaurants CEO Andrew Puzder, whose company owns Hardee’s, Carl’s Jr. and other restaurants, defended Walker’s jobs record on CNBC’s <em>Squawk Box</em> May 19. According to Puzder, Walker’s critics in the media took data “completely out of context” from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/cke-restaurants-ceo-says-media-unfairly-attacked-gov-walkers-job-policies" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles MRC Business Business Economy Government Media Andrew Puzder CEO CKE restaurants CNBC jobs Scott Walker Wisconsin Tue, 19 May 2015 19:22:42 +0000 julia.seymour 48945 at http://archive2.mrc.org CBS’s Whitaker: Fla., Wisc. Governor’s Races Represent ‘Referendum’ on GOP ‘Playbook’ http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/cbss-whitaker-fla-wisc-governors-races-represent-referendum-gop-playbook <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/curtis-houck">Curtis Houck</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>On Monday’s&nbsp;<em>CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley</em>, CBS News correspondent Bill Whitaker opined during a roundtable discussion that Tuesday’s governor’s elections in Florida and Wisconsin featuring incumbent Republican Governors Rick Scott and Scott Walker (respectively) will be<strong>&nbsp;“a referendum on”</strong>&nbsp;the<strong>&nbsp;“policies”&nbsp;</strong>that the two have implemented in their states based on&nbsp;<strong>“the Republican playbook.”</strong></p><div class='signature'><p>— Curtis Houck is News Analyst at the Media Research Center. <a href="http://www.twitter.com/@curtishouck" target="_blank">Follow Curtis Houck on Twitter.</a></p></div><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/cbss-whitaker-fla-wisc-governors-races-represent-referendum-gop-playbook" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division 2014 midterms Bill Whitaker cbs CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley Charlie Crist Florida governor's race John Dickerson Mary Burke Rick Scott Scott Pelley Scott Walker Wisconsin Tue, 04 Nov 2014 02:59:09 +0000 curtis.houck 47517 at http://archive2.mrc.org CBS Wonders If a Scott Walker Loss Will ‘Send a Message’ Nationwide About His ‘Policies and Politics’? http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/cbs-wonders-if-scott-walker-loss-will-send-message-nationwide-about-his-policies-and-poli <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/curtis-houck">Curtis Houck</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>With the midterm elections one week away from Tuesday, the&nbsp;<em>CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley</em>&nbsp;profiled&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2014/governor/wi/wisconsin_governor_walker_vs_burke-4099.html" data-cke-saved-href="http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2014/governor/wi/wisconsin_governor_walker_vs_burke-4099.html">the race in Wisconsin for governor</a>&nbsp;as incumbent Governor and Republican Scott Walker faces off against Democratic candidate Mary Burke.&nbsp;</p><div class='signature'><p>— Curtis Houck is News Analyst at the Media Research Center. <a href="http://www.twitter.com/@curtishouck" target="_blank">Follow Curtis Houck on Twitter.</a></p></div><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/cbs-wonders-if-scott-walker-loss-will-send-message-nationwide-about-his-policies-and-poli" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division 2014 midterms cbs CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley Dean Reynolds gubernatorial Mary Burke Scott Pelley Scott Walker Wisconsin Wed, 29 Oct 2014 02:10:12 +0000 curtis.houck 47473 at http://archive2.mrc.org ABC’s GMA Decries ‘Restrictive’ Voter I.D. Laws Struck Down in Texas and Wisconsin http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/abcs-gma-decries-restrictive-voter-id-laws-struck-down-texas-and-wisconsin <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/curtis-houck">Curtis Houck</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>On Friday morning, ABC’s&nbsp;<em>Good Morning America</em>&nbsp;aired a news brief that described state voter identification laws struck down in Texas and Wisconsin as&nbsp;<strong>“restrictive”</strong>&nbsp;and passed on the opinion of the judge who put Texas’s law on hold as being<strong>&nbsp;“a poll tax designed to keep minorities from voting.”</strong></p><div class='signature'><p>— Curtis Houck is News Analyst at the Media Research Center. <a href="http://www.twitter.com/@curtishouck" target="_blank">Follow Curtis Houck on Twitter.</a></p></div><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/abcs-gma-decries-restrictive-voter-id-laws-struck-down-texas-and-wisconsin" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division 2014 Congressional 2014 midterms abc Amy Robach Conservatives and Republicans Good Morning America Liberals & Democrats Texas Voter ID Laws Wisconsin Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:31:45 +0000 curtis.houck 47359 at http://archive2.mrc.org Seriously? New York Times Calls Wisconsin a 'Republican Haven' http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/seriously-new-york-times-calls-wisconsin-republican-haven <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/clay-waters">Clay Waters</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><em>New York Times</em> reporter Monica Davey was in Wisconsin on Thursday, playing up the Democratic candidate's Rep. Tammy Baldwin chances in her race for an open Senate seat&nbsp; against former Wisconsin governor, Republican Tommy Thompson.</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/seriously-new-york-times-calls-wisconsin-republican-haven" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles TimesWatch Campaign 2012 Gaffes Headlines Monica Davey Republicans Senate Wisconsin Thu, 11 Oct 2012 16:33:58 +0000 clay.waters 41487 at http://archive2.mrc.org NYT's Harwood Leans on Discredited Exit Poll to Paint Brighter Picture for Obama in Wisconsin http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/nyts-harwood-leans-discredited-exit-poll-paint-brighter-picture-obama-wisconsin <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/clay-waters">Clay Waters</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>In the aftermath of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker defeating a union-backed recall election, <em>New York Times</em> reporter John Harwood still sees bright hopes for Obama both in Wisconsin and nationwide, basing his Saturday "political memo" on a study from a liberal group, in "<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/09/us/politics/obama-may-still-have-an-ally-in-wisconsin-demographics.html?ref=johnharwood">Demographic Shifts in Key States Could Aid Obama in Fall</a>." That's slanted enough.</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/nyts-harwood-leans-discredited-exit-poll-paint-brighter-picture-obama-wisconsin" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles TimesWatch Barack Obama Campaign 2012 John Harwood Scott Walker Wisconsin Mon, 11 Jun 2012 17:16:56 +0000 clay.waters 40360 at http://archive2.mrc.org Walker Win "Not an Easy Night" for Left-Wing Hacks http://archive2.mrc.org/notable-quotables/walker-win-not-easy-night-left-wing-hacks <div class="field field-type-text field-field-subtitle"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> Vol. 25, No. 12 </div> </div> </div> <div class="field field-type-filefield field-field-attach"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="filefield-file"><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/sites/default/files/documents/June112012.pdf" type="application/pdf; length=771157" title="June112012.pdf">Formatted PDF Version</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <h3></h3><h3><strong>“Not An Easy Night” for Left-Wing Hacks</strong></h3><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/notable-quotables/walker-win-not-easy-night-left-wing-hacks" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Notable Quotables News Analysis Division abc Barack Obama campaign cbs Dan Rather Ed Schultz Lawrence O'Donnell Michael Bloomberg MSNBC NBC Scott Walker Soda Wisconsin Sun, 10 Jun 2012 16:02:21 +0000 rich.noyes 40354 at http://archive2.mrc.org NYTimes' Myopic Take on Wisconsin: All About 'Stunning Amount' Spent by 'Corporate Interests and Billionaires' http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/nytimes-myopic-take-wisconsin-all-about-stunning-amount-spent-corporate-interests-and-billi <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/clay-waters">Clay Waters</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>Wisconsin's reforming Republican Gov. Scott Walker easily turned back a recall attempt by labor activists angry at him for ending collective bargaining for public service unions. But the New York Times, pushing its own agenda, would prefer the story to be about the "stunning amount" of money in politics. The Times and other media have obsessed over the big spending by Walker supporters, which is rather galling considering that it was the left responsible for holding this election in the first place.</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/nytimes-myopic-take-wisconsin-all-about-stunning-amount-spent-corporate-interests-and-billi" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles TimesWatch Campaign 2012 Labor unions Michael Shear Monica Davey Recall Election Scott Walker Wisconsin Thu, 07 Jun 2012 17:56:24 +0000 clay.waters 40329 at http://archive2.mrc.org MSNBC's Schultz Lectures Union Members Who Voted for Walker http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-schultz-lectures-union-members-who-voted-walker <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/brad-wilmouth">Brad Wilmouth</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><img class="imagecache-medium_280_x_158" title="Media Research Center" alt="Media Research Center" src="http://www.mrc.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/medium_280_x_158/images/2012-06-06-MSNBC-TES-BigSch.jpg" style="float: right;" />On Wednesday's <em>The Ed Show</em>, MSNBC host Ed Schultz took a condescending tone toward labor union members who voted for Governor Scott Walker in Tuesday's recall election in Wisconsin as he recounted NBC News exit poll numbers showing that a significant chunk of union voters supported the Wisconsin Republican.<br /></p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-schultz-lectures-union-members-who-voted-walker" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division Labor Politics Ed Schultz Labor unions MSNBC Polls recall Scott Walker The Ed Show Wisconsin Thu, 07 Jun 2012 12:47:52 +0000 40326 at http://archive2.mrc.org Miley Cyrus, Miss USA Get More Time Than Wisconsin Recall on Big Three http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/miley-cyrus-miss-usa-get-more-time-wisconsin-recall-big-three <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/matthew-balan">Matthew Balan</a> </div> </div> </div> <p style="border: medium none; text-align: left; background-color: transparent; color: #000000; overflow: hidden; text-decoration: none;"> <img src="http://newsbusters.org/sites/default/files/thumbnail_photos/2012/June/2012-06-06-CBS-CTM-Walker.jpg" style="float: right;" height="178" width="240" />The Big Three networks certainly have their priorities straight. ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning shows on Wednesday dedicated more time to entertainment news than the results of the Wisconsin recall election.</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/miley-cyrus-miss-usa-get-more-time-wisconsin-recall-big-three" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division abc cbs CBS This Morning Democrats Good Morning America Miley Cyrus NBC Republicans Scott Walker Today Wisconsin Thu, 07 Jun 2012 00:29:31 +0000 matthew.balan 40325 at http://archive2.mrc.org Networks Whine Over 'Massive Spending Gap' Between GOP and Dems in Wisconsin http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/networks-whine-over-massive-spending-gap-between-gop-and-dems-wisconsin <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/kyle-drennen">Kyle Drennen</a> </div> </div> </div> <p> Searching for an excuse to explain what went wrong for Democrats in Wisconsin, <strong>the broadcast networks blamed "a record-shattering $64 million poured into" the recall election by "conservative out-of-st</strong><img style="width: 240px; height: 185px; margin: 3px; float: right;" src="http://newsbusters.org/sites/default/files/2012-06-04-NBC-NN-WIMoney.jpg" /><strong>ate groups" supporting Republican Governor Scott Walker.&nbsp; </strong><br /> </p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/networks-whine-over-massive-spending-gap-between-gop-and-dems-wisconsin" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division abc Campaign Finance cbs NBC Scott Walker Wisconsin Wed, 06 Jun 2012 17:29:47 +0000 kyle.drennen 40323 at http://archive2.mrc.org Scott Walker Wins Handily in Wisconsin, NYTimes Sees Loss of 'Political Civility' in the State http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/scott-walker-wins-handily-wisconsin-nytimes-sees-loss-political-civility-state <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/clay-waters">Clay Waters</a> </div> </div> </div> <p>While confessing Democrats and unions were dealt a "painful blow" Tuesday night as Republican Gov. Scott Walker handily beat Democratic challenger Tom Barrett in the Wisconsin recall election, Wednesday's<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/06/us/politics/walker-survives-wisconsin-recall-effort.html?ref=todayspaper&amp;pagewanted=all"> lead story</a> by Monica Davey and Jeff Zeleny opened with the liberal argument that Walker was to blame for undermining the "civility" of the state's progressive politics by engaging in his successful reform of public sector unions.</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/articles/scott-walker-wins-handily-wisconsin-nytimes-sees-loss-political-civility-state" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Articles TimesWatch Andrew Rosenthal Jeff Zeleny Michael Shear Monica Davey Scott Walker Wisconsin Wed, 06 Jun 2012 16:10:55 +0000 clay.waters 40320 at http://archive2.mrc.org Schultz Frets 'Damn Scary Stuff' from GOP, 'Hurting Minority Communities' http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/schultz-frets-damn-scary-stuff-gop-hurting-minority-communities <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/brad-wilmouth">Brad Wilmouth</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><img style="float: right;" src="http://www.mrc.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/medium_280_x_158/images/2012-06-05-MSNBC-2BigSchult.jpg" alt="Media Research Center" title="Media Research Center" class="imagecache-medium_280_x_158" />During the special 11:00 pm EDT edition of <em>The Ed Show</em> on Tuesday, MSNBC host Ed Schultz fretted about what he viewed as "pretty damn scary stuff" that he believed Republicans would do in following Governor Scott Walker's example in pushing a conservative agenda in Wisconsin.<br /></p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/schultz-frets-damn-scary-stuff-gop-hurting-minority-communities" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division Politics Ed Schultz education MSNBC recall Scott Walker The Ed Show Wisconsin Wed, 06 Jun 2012 12:28:32 +0000 40312 at http://archive2.mrc.org MSNBC's Schultz Blames 'Special Interest Money' for Walker Victory http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-schultz-blames-special-interest-money-walker-victory <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/brad-wilmouth">Brad Wilmouth</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><img class="imagecache-medium_280_x_158" title="Media Research Center" alt="Media Research Center" src="http://www.mrc.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/medium_280_x_158/images/2012-06-05-MSNBC-BigSchultz.jpg" style="float: right;" />Shortly after MSNBC called Republican Governor Scott Walker as the winner of Tuesday's recall election in Wisconsin a bit past 9:50 p.m. during the <em>Rachel Maddow Show</em>, a subdued Ed Schultz gave his initial reaction.<br /></p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-schultz-blames-special-interest-money-walker-victory" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division Politics Ed Schultz MSNBC recall Scott Walker Wisconsin Wed, 06 Jun 2012 12:22:43 +0000 40311 at http://archive2.mrc.org MSNBC's O'Donnell Spins: Obama is 'the Really Big Winner' in Wisconsin http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-odonnell-spins-obama-really-big-winner-wisconsin <div class="field field-type-nodereference field-field-source"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item odd"> <div class="field-label-inline-first"> By</div> <a href="/author/brad-wilmouth">Brad Wilmouth</a> </div> </div> </div> <p><img class="imagecache-medium_280_x_158" title="Media Research Center" alt="Media Research Center" src="http://www.mrc.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/medium_280_x_158/images/2012-06-05-MSNBC-BigOdonnel.jpg" style="float: right;" />On Tuesday's <em>The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell</em>, MSNBC host O'Donnell teased his show by asserting that President Obama is "the really big winner" in Wisconsin because of exit polls showing that, in spite of Republican Governor Scott Walker's win, a majority of those who voted preferred President Obama over GOP candidate Mitt Romney in the presiden</p><p><a href="http://archive2.mrc.org/biasalerts/msnbcs-odonnell-spins-obama-really-big-winner-wisconsin" target="_blank">read more</a></p> BiasAlerts News Analysis Division Politics Barack Obama Campaign 2012 Lawrence O'Donnell MSNBC Polls recall Scott Walker Wisconsin Wed, 06 Jun 2012 12:16:52 +0000 40310 at http://archive2.mrc.org