Amy Menefee
Author Articles
6/3/2009 3:30 PM ET
Book by CNN's Jack Cafferty lives in the past, but offers surprising remarks on mortgages, bailouts.
9/10/2008 1:22 PM ET
"An Insider's Tale of Greed, Fraud and Ignorance" by Richard Bitner
7/15/2008 4:52 PM ET
'Your $$$$$' puts McCain's promises under the microscope, while glossing over Obama's.
6/18/2008 5:55 PM ET
ABC News slams the VA and Pfizer for distributing a drug to veterans to help them quit smoking.
6/13/2008 3:46 PM ET
Show highlights green living, promoting Planet Green documentary.
6/12/2008 4:53 PM ET
'Good Morning America' slants business buyout story into national security scare.
5/22/2008 4:12 PM ET
Article celebrates victories of anti-food advocates pressuring businesses.
4/23/2008 3:32 PM ET
In what's become Earth Month, the media press on as though it's Public Issue No. 1.
4/17/2008 3:14 PM ET
Newsweek praises Obama's 'thrilling' speechmaking, looks for the 'greenest candidate' for president and spews tons of global warming alarmism.
3/27/2008 3:24 PM ET
'Good Morning America' highlights student who 'didn't understand' the fees added to her card balance.
3/12/2008 5:10 PM ET
Media gloss over details and effects of liberal candidates' proposed mortgage bailouts.
3/5/2008 4:15 PM ET
Networks continue trend of ignoring scientists who challenge 'consensus,' while newspapers find plenty of environmentalists to mock them.
2/20/2008 1:14 PM ET
Clinton and Obama want to stick it to The Man - but just who is The Man?
1/30/2008 12:40 PM ET
Media encourage people to view themselves as victims of the economy, looking for handouts from the next president.
1/20/2008 4:17 PM ET
Michelle Singletary describes Clinton's proposal for taxpayer-funded help to debt-ridden Americans in glowing terms.
12/12/2007 5:23 PM ET
Climate change campaigner dubbed 'the thinking girl's thoroughbred' in steamy Style section tribute.
11/28/2007 4:48 PM ET
Despite Federal Reserve's expectations of no recession in 2008, journalists can't get enough of the word.
10/10/2007 3:38 PM ET
Law of the Sea Treaty still 'threatens U.S. sovereignty,' despite limited media attention.
10/3/2007 12:55 PM ET
Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.
9/26/2007 5:02 PM ET
For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests