Iris Somberg

Author Articles

NBC Contradicts Itself on New Bill to Protect Consumer; May Hurt Students Trying To Establish a Good Credit Score

'Today's' Money Panel: Recommends Plastic in Moderation as Congress Makes it Harder for People under 21 to Get Credit Cards.

Colbert To Meghan McCain, 'You're More Liberal Than President Obama!'

McCain continues to push Republicans to be more liberal on social issues.

Resigned Miss California Director Claims National Organization for Marriage is Hate Group; CBS Doesn't Bat an Eye

On 'The Early Show,' Shanna Moakler goes after Prejean and traditional marriage advocates.

'The Early Show' Focus: 'Is America Ready for a Gay Supreme Court Justice?'

CBS discusses identity politics; skips over judicial philosophy.

Shuster Says 'Can I Vomit' When Trump Lets Miss California Keep Crown

Anchor tries to discredit Carrie Prejean for her support of traditional marriage.

Miss RI: Miss California Being Attacked for Stance for Traditional Marriage

CBS finally asks somebody the right question in regards to Carrie Prejean.

'The Early Show' Uses Palin Drama to Bash Abstinence

As Bristol speaks out for abstinence, CBS focuses on Levi Johnston's disagreement with the family.

Left Digs up Irrelevant Suggestive Pictures of Miss California

Perez Hilton and others think partially nude photos discredit Prejean's pageant answer.

Time's Liberal Bias Taught in Schools

Free news magazine for students promotes liberal ideology.

Media Hails Senate Confirmation of Health Secretary to Combat Swine Flu; Downplays to Her Late-Term Abortion Support

Media ignores Homeland Security's lead role responding to virus, maintains Sebelius needed combat it.

Sebelius' Controversial Veto takes Back Seat to Stories about Bo Obama

Broadcast news, major papers barely mention Obama nominee's protection of late-term abortion procedures.