ABC's Karl Despairs GOP Has 'Lost Only Candidate...Concerned About Climate Change'

'With Huntsman gone,' ABC's Jonathan Karl despaired Monday night, 'the field of Republican candidates has lost the only candidate who favored civil unions for gay couples and said he was concerned about climate change.' In his World News report, Karl recalled how Hunstman once 'tweeted: 'To be clear, I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.''
Over on the CBS Evening News, Jan Crawford noted how Huntsman was more popular with the news media than with Republicans: 'Huntsman's campaign never really took off, except among newspaper editorial boards.'
From Karl's story on ther Monday, January 16 ABC World News, with the matching text of a 2011 Huntsman tweet displayed on screen:
...With Huntsman gone, the field of Republican candidates has lost the only candidate who favored civil unions for gay couples and said he was concerned about climate change. At one point, Huntsman tweeted: 'To be clear, I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.'...
Earlier examples of journalistic admiration for Huntsman:
From January 5: 'CBS Evening News Touts Huntsman, the 'Sane Republican' with an 'Impressive Resume''
From December 11: 'Amanpour Despairs 'Sanest' Huntsman with 'Eminently Sensible Positions' Losing to 'Bombastic' Gingrich'