CyberAlert -- 06/01/2000 -- Nun Goes Left, CBS Jumps
Nun Goes Left, CBS Jumps; Parting Shot at Casey; Broaddrick Audit; Pleasant Cuban Work Camps >>> The May
30 MagazineWatch, about the June 6 issues, is now online. Continuing the
CyberAlert focus on the Robin Williams routine at the May 24 Democratic
fundraiser, the MRC's Tim Graham noted how all three news magazines touched
on the big soft money party, but only U.S. News, in an "In Quotes"
citation of Robin Williams saying, "Whoa, there's a child in the front
row. He's learning new words," raised his vulgarity, conveying in the
attribution: "Robin Williams, in a profanity-laced comedy routine at a
fundraiser honoring President Clinton." Newsweek and Time found the
obscenity in the contributions, not the language. The other coverage analyzed
in this week's MagazineWatch: Correction: The May 31 CyberAlert quoted Fox News Sunday host Tony Snow introducing a clip: "We'll take a really short snippet of Robin Williams and his shtick before the group." He actually said "in front of the group."
ABC led with Peter Jennings trying to tie together, under one theme, several different stories. Amongst them: a new report on the cost of watching over Elian, but ABC hadn't bothered to run a story last week on his move to the District where he's now closer to Castro's operatives. With Tom Brokaw in
Moscow, from New York Brian Williams kicked of NBC Nightly News by turning
a comment on one of NBC's cable shows into the top news of the day: David Gregory explained how on Hardball Bush had said he'd give a 30 day stay to a murderer who insists he did not commit an accompanying rape, a crime which triggered the death penalty. Over on ABC's World News Tonight, Jennings opened the May 31 show: "Good evening. There's a lot of money associated with the major stories tonight. The government thinks it can save a lot by changing the rules for telephone service, there's another way to cheat the government by not paying taxes on imported goods and the country imports a great deal, and there are the billions of dollars some politicians still want to spend on an anti-missile defense system. It makes what the government is spending to keep tabs on Elian Gonazalez while he is here seem like peanuts." On that last item, Ron Claiborne provided a short report on how the federal government has spent $1.4 million on Elian, $724,000 of that for US Marshals, including the cost of the raid. Despite the negative spin displayed by Jennings, the subsequent "A Closer Look" segment on missile defense delivered a balanced presentation of the pros and cons from John McWethy and John Martin.
CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather intoned Wednesday night: "Tonight's 'Eye on America' is a hard news look at a global corporate giant in fossil fuels. Protesters, including some stockholders, are accusing ExxonMobil of a corporate dinosaur attitude about the dangers of global warming that may be linked to fuel emissions. CBS's Jim Axelrod has been sorting the facts from the smoke on this." Axelrod began his May 31 piece, as transcribed by MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth: "In Dallas this morning, a couple of dozen protesters tried to get the ear of one of the biggest and most powerful corporations on Earth. If there's a growing consensus that greenhouse gases are raising global temperatures, these people say executives at ExxonMobil are not about to embrace it." The crowd looked closer
to a dozen than a coupled of dozen, but that didn't deter CBS from
promoting their cause. Axelrod brought on Sister Pat Daly, identified
on-screen as an "ExxonMobil shareholder and activist," asking:
"Is ExxonMobil any different on the issue of global warming than any
other of the big oil companies?" Let's get 12 or 14 people to protest outside the CBS shareholder meeting about the "corporate dinosaur attitude about the dangers" of liberal media bias espoused by CBS News. We could even recruit a nun to buy some shares and then raise the issue inside the meeting. Think we'd get two minutes of network air time?
CNN's Bruce Morton provided a lengthier review of Casey's life, sans the loaded labeling, on Wednesday's Inside Politics. Morton recalled how because of his pro-life views, the then sitting Governor was denied a chance to speak to the 1992 Democratic convention in New York City. That reminded me of how the networks in 1992 largely ignored that snub while obsessing about how the GOP was suppressing pro-choice Republicans. Here's a portion of the study from the September, 1992 MediaWatch, the MRC's since discontinued newsletter, on prime time convention coverage by ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC: While the Democrats' decision to not allow pro-life Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey to speak in New York garnered only an interview on NBC and an interview and four mentions on CNN, in Houston [site of GOP conclave] the abortion debate became a major focus of coverage. On more than 20 occasions network analysts charged the Republicans with trying to exclude people from their party. For example, NBC's Tom Brokaw told [Pat] Buchanan on Tuesday night: "You gave the impression that if you're not a white, heterosexual, Christian, anti-abortion, anti-environment, you're somehow not welcome in the Republican Party." CBS never mentioned in prime time how the Democrats suppressed pro-life Gov. Bob Casey's attempt to speak in New York, but in Houston Connie Chung asked Rep. Connie Morella: "Do you think the pro-choice voice has been stifled?" END Excerpt
Wednesday's Washington Times featured a story, but nothing yet on the broadcast networks and neither CNN or MSNBC touched it Tuesday night, nor did CNN's Inside Politics on Wednesday night. FNC's Brit Hume set up the May 30 Special Report piece: "Remember Juanita Broaddrick, the Arkansas nursing home executive who said that Bill Clinton raped her in a Little Rock hotel room back when he was Attorney General of that state? Well, not much has been heard from her or about her since that story first broke, but now she says she's now heard from the federal government, and she and her lawyer don't like it one bit." Rita Cosby explained:
"When she received this letter from the IRS last month informing her
she and her nursing home will be audited, Juanita Broaddrick said she
believed right away it was payback for her publicly accusing President
Clinton of raping her two decades earlier. She told Fox News, quote, 'I
believe it's not a coincidence. I am clearly being targeted because I came
forward.' After a soundbite from Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman, Cosby filled in the clues to a pattern of retribution: "In addition to Broaddrick, other women who've accused President Clinton of sexual assault or harassment have been audited after they spoke out, including Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen. Billy Dale was also checked out by the IRS soon after he criticized the White House for being fired from the travel office. Judicial Watch also says 20 conservative groups have been audited in the past seven years, but when asked about the complaint, a White House spokesman said, quote, 'We don't comment on meritless allegations.' A Democratic supporter says the case is motivated by politics." Following a clip of Democratic analyst John Trichter, Cosby discounted the conservative claim of a systematic policy f harassment: "A recent study conducted by the General Accounting Office -- before these new allegations -- concluded that the IRS was not partisan in determining which groups or individuals it did audit. Regarding this latest claim, the IRS basically repeated its position and said how it audits individuals or groups is determined by computer based on certain criteria." Hume asked: "Is there anything about Juanita Broaddrick's financial condition that might have triggered an audit automatically?" Cosby responded that Broaddrick maintains there have been no events "that normally could possibly trigger an investigation, trigger an audit. And she also says that there were no changes basically at all. She and Judicial Watch believe this, her first audit, was only motivated by politics."
Lauer set up the May 30 segment, caught by MRC analyst Geoffrey Dickens, by focusing on liberal complaints: "And now to a controversy brewing in the heart of New York City. Theme restaurants are all the rage in Times Square. Now the proposal for a new one is drawing some fire." Lauer's questions to
Josh Sugarmann, "Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center, a
non-profit gun control organization." Lauer then turned to NRA
Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, live from Times Square:
CNN anchor Jim Moret introduced the May 26 piece which MRC analyst Brad Wilmouth had observed: "One of the legal arguments used by Elian's relatives in hopes of preventing his return to Cuba is that Elian will one day be sent to government labor camps. Most Cuban young people are required to attend the camps, which critics say weaken the relationship between parent and child." CNN Havana Bureau Chief
Lucia Newman began: "From 8 in the morning until noon and then for
two hours in the afternoon these eighth-graders work the fields, cutting
the stalks of a kind of sweet potato called 'bonato' (sp?). For most
of these 13-year-olds from Havana, this is the first time they've had to
get their hands dirty....Once a year, starting in eighth grade, every
Cuban child spends between 15 and 21 days in what's called 'school in
the countryside.'" Newman then passed along the official version of the program: "Cuba's 'school in the countryside' is based not on Marxist philosophy, but rather on the teachings of Cuba's nationalist hero Jose Marti. Back in the late 1800s, he taught that young people had to not only learn to study, but also love and respect hard work. The theory was put into practice by Cuba's communist government 40 years ago, when students were even called on to help with the labor-intensive sugar harvest. Not anymore. Today the work is lighter, harvesting 'bonato', or potatoes, or picking oranges or tobacco. Sundays are special. That's when the family comes to visit. This is the first time most of these adolescents have been separated from their parents." A father maintained, through a translator: "It's a way for them to be free of the overprotection they get at home. They begin to learn to fend for themselves and to face life as it is, to know that not everything is a bed of roses." Newman dismissed any
concerns about the welfare of the kids: "Still the parents, who are
allowed to come twice a week, usually come laden with fresh clothes and
treats for their children, who say at first they were homesick, but now
are having a great time." Over video of a building followed by a shot of happy girls singing, Newman concluded: "This sign above the kitchen reads, 'We believe in Fidel,' but what most students tell us is that what the farm school experience does is teach them to believe more in themselves and the importance of camaraderie." What a wonderful paradise, of weeks away from his father so that he can pick potatoes, awaits Elian. -- Brent Baker
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