NRA Ad Identifies NBC's David Gregory as 'Elitist Hypocrite' on Gun Control
As MediaBistro's TVNewser blog noticed on Wednesday, an image of NBC Meet the Press moderator David Gregory was featured in the newly released ad by the National Rifle Association, labeling him to be one of several "elitist hypocrites" on the gun control issue.
During a hostile interview
with the NRA's Wayne LaPierre on December 23, Gregory infamously waved
around a high-capacity ammunition magazine, an illegal item in
Washington D.C. As Media Research Center president Brent Bozell observed:
"...once again, we find the arrogance of the national press knows no
boundaries....Let us stipulate that this kind of law is just plain
stupid. Empty ammo magazines are less threatening than mosquitoes. The
point is, however, that liberals like David Gregory do subscribe to this
kind of idiotic law – for everyone else."
On Wednesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, chief White House
correspondent Chuck Todd mocked the idea of the NRA going after the
liberal media: "Wayne LaPierre has a fund-raising e-mail out today that
basically puts the blame on people like me. You know, 'The media, it's
coming out to get the NRA.'"
Earlier on Today, Todd slammed the NRA ad for supposedly "targeting" President Obama's daughters.