Art & Entertainment
6/14/2011 12:41 PM ET
Celebrities Boost Their Fame through Shock Factor
6/2/2011 12:52 PM ET
Debate over cutting federal funding for abortion provider highlights divide between stars and reality.
4/1/2011 3:21 PM ET
"Friday" may be just the gift parents and conservatives didnt realize they had received.
3/30/2011 3:21 PM ET
Several trashy, R-rated romantic comedies this year prove once again that Tinseltown is Casual Sex Central.
3/7/2011 3:27 PM ET
ABC, NBC, CBS report every sordid detail about troubled actor, ignore complaints against abortion provider.
2/28/2011 2:24 PM ET
Tinsel town says unions good, CEOs bad.
2/7/2011 10:02 PM ET
Article applauds attempt to get away from nonexistent 'Muslim-as-terrorist plot line.'
2/7/2011 7:27 PM ET
'Outsourced' character fondly recalls pleasuring a horse.
2/7/2011 4:16 PM ET
Despite exploding bras, show dialed down the raunch after Super Bowl
2/3/2011 4:39 PM ET
The hit show is not a 'sweet' musical but rather a raunchy showcase of lewd behavior.