Climate Change
7/28/2015 9:18 AM ET
Critics say claim has ‘zero credibility,’ but CBS, NBC, MSNBC, other media call it a ‘bombshell’ from a ‘top climate scientist.’
7/13/2015 2:52 PM ET
Lefty paper pushes misleading statistics to promote wind power.
7/10/2015 2:40 PM ET
Liberal climate change activist listed as ‘manager’ of environmental energy company.
7/10/2015 2:10 PM ET
Left-wing editor attacks congressman after he promotes ‘opposing viewpoints’ on global warming.
6/25/2015 3:21 PM ET
Actor and director bellows against climate skepticism, fracking, sets 100 percent renewable energy goal by 2050.
6/19/2015 2:07 PM ET
Slate columnist promotes massive reduction of carbon emissions, technological investment to reverse global warming.
6/19/2015 10:23 AM ET
Nets don’t cover all that Pope Francis has to say.
6/16/2015 4:09 PM ET
Liberal media praising Pope now, but blasted Catholic leader for conservative positions on social issues.
6/16/2015 12:50 PM ET
Former governor and Bush staffer cites warming ‘pause,’ and string of failed alarmist predictions.