FRC Plans #HobbyLobby Day March 29
The Family Research Council wants to re-create Mike Huckabee's “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” – this time for craft store Hobby Lobby. FRC is encouraging Americans to participate in a #HobbyLobbyDay on March 29th via social media and shopping.
Hobby Lobby recently challenged the Obama administration’s contraception mandate, which forces employers to provide abortion-inducing drugs for employees regardless of religious belief. The Hobby Lobby chain, which boasts over 640 stores, faces $1.3 million per day or $475 million per year in fines for failure to comply.
Last Tuesday, March 25, the U. S. Supreme Court heard arguments from Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp., both owned by Christian families. The decision will be released later this summer.
The FRC Action Facebook invite, which already boasts over 21,600 participants and over 109,400 invited, urges Americans to “show your support” for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga by “joining and sharing #HobbyLobbyDay!”
FRC Action lists the following ways to partake in the campaign:
1. Change your profile photo to show your support:
2. Shop Hobby Lobby or on March 29th and say "thank you" with a card from your family:
3. Share a picture of your shopping trip using #HobbyLobbyDay hashtag on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram."
The event is a continuation of FRC’s focus on religious freedom. Although misreported by the media, FRC along with the Alliance Defending Freedom commissioned a poll published on Nov. 25, which showed 59 percent of likely voters opposing forcing employers to pay for employee insurance plans covering contraceptives and abortifacient drugs.
— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.