
Soros Cash, Left-Wing Talking Points Fuel ALEC attack

Bloomberg Businessweek goes after free market non-profit.

ESPN Turns from Sports to Gay-Marriage

From "Play of the Week" to contentious social issues. Article Worries 'U.S., European Media' 'Worlds Apart' on Climate Change

Writer laments American media's 'balanced reporting,' despite their huge bias towards climate alarmism.

WaPo Slams Bachmann Yet Again

Hit piece portrays Michele and Marcus Bachmann as radical anti-gay crusaders, religious zealots.

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

AP Pushes Pro-Islam Entertainment Propaganda

Article applauds attempt to get away from nonexistent 'Muslim-as-terrorist plot line.'

Just Say No to State Bailouts

The government will not put itself on austerity, only the people can force it to.

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming

Feminists Slam Gawker For Publishing Anonymous O'Donnell Sex Story

NOW calls the sleazy article 'public sexual harassment.'

Fire and Ice

Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming.
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