
ABC Finally Breaks Silence on Obama's Birth Control Attack, CBS Still Quiet

ABC broke network silence on Tuesday morning, finally offering a report on the Obama administration's decision to force religious organizations to provide birth control in their health care plans. ...

NBC Brings On Left-Wing Host to Slam 'Far-Right' Objections to Obama Birth Control Mandate

After finally deciding to actually cover the controversy swirling around the Obama administration's attempt to force Catholic institutions to pay for birth control in health insurance plans, NBC's ...

CNN Quickly Reported Liberal Backlash Against Komen, But Sat on Religious Outrage Over Obama's HHS Mandate

CNN's liberal bias on social issues was blatantly manifested in its coverage of two different stories over the past few weeks - Catholics vs. the Obama administration, and the liberal outrage over ...

NBC Suggests Pregnancy 'Termination Kits' for Women Following Birth Control Recall

Discussing the recall of two Pfizer brands of birth control pills on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry pressed Dr. Keri Peterson on an "option" for women who "may be now vulnerable to being ...

Networks Ignore HHS Requiring Religious Orgs to Provide Contraception

On their weekend evening news shows, the three major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) all ignored a Friday mandate from the Obama administration forcing non-profit religious employers to provide for ...

NBC and CBS Frame 'Morning-After' Pill Decision as 'Politics' vs. 'Science'

At the top of Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams fretted: "The Obama administration blocks a plan to make the 'morning-after' pill more easily available to young girls. Is this ...

Kristof Cringes at Thought of More Harmful Humans Being Born

Columnist Kristof: "So as we greet the seven-billionth human, let's try to delay the arrival of the eight billionth. We should all be able to agree on voluntary family planning as a cost-effective ...

CBS Spins New ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate as 'Good News'

On Monday's Early Show, CBS slanted towards supporters of a new Obama administration mandate which requires private insurance companies to cover contraception as part of women's "preventative ...

Gail Collins Praises Margaret Sanger as Birth-Control Savior, Ignores Her Racism and Support for Eugenics

Editor-turned-columnist Gail Collins has a long history of adoring Sanger: "For the Lower East Side there are so many potential subjects that it might be better to commandeer an entire city park ...

CBS's Smith Celebrates 'Golden Anniversary' of Birth Control Pill: Freed Women from 'Biological Bonds'

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith commemorated the 50th anniversary of the invention of the birth control pill: "This week is the golden anniversary of the birth of birth control, ...
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