Patrick Healy thinks Sarah Palin's "partisan zeal" and "with-us-or-against-us message" could "repel some independent voters," and her speeches have "holes in logic." Does the gaffe machine Joe ...
Taboo-breaking comedienne Sarah Silverman (pictured) stars in a pro-Obama get-out-the-vote effort targeted at elderly Florida Jews whuich has been featured in the Times twice within a week.
Michael Cooper sniffs at McCain's attack on domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and brings up...Charles Keating?: "Mr. McCain is not without his own questionable associations."
The left-wing has reviled President Bush as Adolf Hitler and spread conspiracy theories claiming he's responsible for 9-11...but a few hotheads at a GOP campaign rally mark the dawn of a scary new ...
The short version of Patrick Healy's piece: Every criticism a Republican makes against Obama, from saying he's "not one of us" to his relationship to Bill Ayers, is racially questionable.
Snark: Obama borrowed "from a leader who talked a great deal about sunny days but very little about the budget deficits and debt that flowed from his policies."
Elisabeth Bumiller doesn't try to hide her disdain for out of touch McCain: "Senator John McCain devoted most of two campaign appearances on Wednesday to lusty attacks on Senator Barack Obama and ...