
CBS Feigns Concern for How Tea Party Candidates Are Detriment to Republicans

"Up next, why some Republicans are starting to wish the Tea Party was over," Katie Couric teased Friday night as CBS feigned concern over how Tea Party candidates are too "extreme" to win. CBS's ...

CBS Decides Al and Tipper's Separation is the Fault of....George W. Bush

On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, with the help of the Washington Post's Sally Quinn, Sharyl Attkisson managed to blame news, that Al and Tipper Gore are separating, on how they never got over being ...

Nets Embrace 'Did You Plug the Hole Yet, Daddy?' Anecdote to Humanize Obama

The White House press corps just loved President Obama's press conference anecdote ("When I woke up this morning, and I'm shaving and Malia knocks on my bathroom door and she peeks in her head and ...

Nets Dig Out 'Plug the Damn Hole' Quote to Buck Up 'Frustrated' Obama's Credibility on Oil Spill

CBS and NBC on Tuesday night reached deep into a Washington Post story ' specifically, the 20th paragraph of a 24-paragraph article ' to pluck out a quote in order to demonstrate a "frustrated" ...

Nets All Showcase Fearful 2nd Grader's Question to FLOTUS on Lacking 'Papers,' ABC Heralds It As 'Poignant'

ABC, CBS and NBC all showcased a second grader's question to Michelle Obama: "Barack Obama is taking everybody away that doesn't have papers," but "my mom doesn't have papers." ABC suggested it ...

As Polls Show Overwhelming Support for Arizona's Law, Nets Focus on 'Uproar' and 'Spreading' Boycotts

The night after two major national polls confirmed overwhelming majorities support Arizona's impending immigration enforcement statute, CBS and ABC promoted the cause of activists in the minority. ...

Only CBS IDs Kagan as on Left; Others Tout Her as 'Powerhouse,' 'Accomplished Poker Player, Opera Lover' Who 'Loves Softball'

In quite a contrast to tagging of the Bush and Obama Supreme Court nominees as "conservative," on Monday night ABC and NBC refrained from applying any ideological description to Supreme Court ...

CBS's Bob Orr Despairs Shahzad 'Lived a Spartan and Seemingly Lonely Existence'

CBS's Bob Orr highlighted video of Shahzad's apartment, empathetically describing how Shahzad "lived a spartan and seemingly lonely existence" as evidenced by "a weight bench that passed for ...

Shahzad's Motive 'Unclear' to CBS, Cites Money Pressure Since He 'Hasn't Realized Any American Dream'

Botched bomber Faisal Shahzad's failure to achieve the "American dream" may have been an important motive for his terrorist act, CBS's Bob Orr contended Wednesday night in a story in which he ...
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