
Evangelists For Teen Sex

MySpace Announces New Safety Measures to Protect Children from Online Predators

NBC shows parental involvement is still needed.

CBS Does Turnabout on Mercury-based Thimerosal's Link to Autism

Seven months prior, 'Evening News' gave a slanted report about autistic hardship blamed on thimerosal.

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

What Children Watch

Times Cites Vague Pro-SCHIP Poll, Ignores More Factual One Showing Lack of Support

Robert Pear trumpeted a CBS News poll that "found overwhelming support for expansion of the program to include some middle-class uninsured children," ignored a more specific one that showed people ...

GOP a "Truly Vicious Political Movement," "Punishing...Injured Children"

Alleged economics columnist Paul Krugman takes more dictation from the left-wing blogosphere.

If Government Is So Good, Let It Fix Journalism

Media show support for socialist solutions like Hillarycare, but few back similar involvement in news.

When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

The Times Gets A Little Big-Spending Religion

A rabbi, a Roman Catholic priest and a Baptist minister walk onto the floor of the Senate...
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