
Media Research Center

Exhibit 2-22: News Media Both Too Liberal and Too Powerful

The results of a survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted October 22-23, 2009 by Rasmussen Reports suggest most voters believe media bias skews government policy to the left.

CNN: Senator Dorgan Now a 'Conservative Democrat,' No Liberal Tags

CNN continued its spin on the retirement of Senator Byron Dorgan on Wednesday. Anchor Campbell Brown one-upped Wolf Blitzer's "moderate Democrat" tag of the senator, going so far to label the ...
Media Research Center

Exhibit 1-6: Journalists - Who Are They, Really?

In 1992, Indiana University journalism professors David H. Weaver and G. Cleveland Wilhoit surveyed 1,410 journalists who "work for a wide variety of daily and weekly newspapers, radio and ...

Gallup Poll: Media Seen as 'Too Liberal,' Untrustworthy

A Gallup poll released October 1 confirms that few Americans trust the media and about three times as many see the press as "too liberal" (45%) as opposed to "too conservative" (15%). Far more ...

Pittsburgh Protest Promoters

Liberals suggest that conservative anger might lead to violence, but conservative protests are happy and lawful, while left-wing protests draw hundreds of arrests for violence and property ...

Unmentionable: Best-Selling Conservative Books and the Networks that Ignore Them

Research reveals a glaring imbalance in network coverage of liberal best-sellers and comparable conservative titles.

Colbert To Meghan McCain, 'You're More Liberal Than President Obama!'

McCain continues to push Republicans to be more liberal on social issues.

It's Gonna Be a Long Four Years

Plus: Dumb Southern Racists for McCain

A Study in Character Assassination: How the TV Networks Have Portrayed Sarah Palin as Dunce or Demon

An analysis of two weeks of coverage of the GOP vice presidential nominee reveals unremitting hostility from the network news.

Unmasking the Myths Behind the Fairness Doctrine

I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it. - Voltaire
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