
Media Research Center

CBS This Morning Blames Cancellation of Muslim Prayer Event at Duke on Franklin Graham

On Friday, CBS This Morning reported on news that Duke University had cancelled plans to have a Muslim call-to-prayer projected from the school’s famous bell tower at the Duke Chapel and, while ...
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Mostly Ignore Fracking; CBS Airs 6 Times More Negative Stories

CBS coverage sides with lefty environmentalists, rarely presents arguments for natural gas extraction.

Duke U. Official Attempts to Sell 5-Year Old Son for Sex: MSM Out to Lunch

Could the media's epic failure be reluctance to report on a gay dad abusing a black child?

Selena's Sickening Standards: Slime Innocent Duke Players, Weep for Guilty Vick

As columnist Selena Roberts moves to Sports Illustrated, her shoddy treatment of the Duke lacrosse players shouldn't be forgotten.

Sports Columnist Patrols the Sidelines for Sexism

Harvey Araton attacks sports media for sexism: "Intentional or not, the sports news media remain a male domain of empowerment where the shocking tale of a 12-year-old girl sexually assaulted three ...

New Book Destroys Credibility of Times' Duke Lacrosse "Rape" Coverage

Why did the Times believe in the Duke rape hoax so long? "[David] Brooks' brand of conservatism - so moderate that he rooted for the Democrats to win control of Congress in 2006 - still put him ...

ABC News Anchor Admits Media Irresponsibility, Bias on Duke Rape Case

Chris Cuomo: Be careful what you hear from the media.

Editor Bill Keller Defends His Paper's Shoddy Duke Rape Hoax Coverage

Executive Editor Bill Keller says criticism of his paper's coverage of the Duke lacrosse case has "in some instances been unfair to the point of hysteria." But former Public Editor Daniel Okrent ...

After Duke, Sudden Concern for "Racial Overtones" in Rape Allegations

Faced with a black athlete as a suspect and an alleged rape victim who is white, the Times displays a concern for "racial overtones" totally absent in its shoddy coverage of the Duke lacrosse ...

When Prosecutors Go Wild

Duke DA Mike Nifong should face criminal charges.
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