
Media Research Center

Biofuels Harm Planet, Cost More, British Group Says

Chatham House think tank says biofuels are ‘worse than fossil fuels.’
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Ethanol Mandates in Most Coverage of Historic Drought

With corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.
Media Research Center


Flashback: As EPA Approves E15, Remember the Media's Infatuation with Ethanol

Ethanol was touted as 'wave of the future,' hyped as 'easy solution' for energy independence.

Media No Longer Gassed About Ethanol

Even the media can't cheer the EPA's recent increase in gasoline ethanol content.

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2008

BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.

Morning Show Cans Food Companies for 'Shrinking' Products

'Early Show' sources say they were 'duped' and blame companies using 'sneaky' tactics.

Financial Times Highlights Ethanol 'Bubble'

British publication does what U.S. media won't, connects high prices to government-mandated biofuel.

Friedman on Bailout: Gov't Should Mandate Green Construction

New York Times columnist says ownership from $700 billion bailout of Wall Street should force environmental initiatives.

'Evening News:' Food Stamp Allotments Aren't Enough

CBS emphasizes hardship of food stamp users, complains that government has not increased federal assistance to match food inflation.
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