4/15/2013 2:53 PM ET
Chatham House think tank says biofuels are ‘worse than fossil fuels.’
8/27/2012 8:00 AM ET
corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push
prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.
1/21/2011 7:35 PM ET
Ethanol was touted as 'wave of the future,' hyped as 'easy solution' for energy independence.
10/14/2010 1:36 PM ET
Even the media can't cheer the EPA's recent increase in gasoline ethanol content.
12/11/2008 4:40 PM ET
BMI's collection of outrageous economic bias for the entire year: From the salmonella outbreak to the media's call for a new, New Deal.
10/23/2008 12:26 PM ET
'Early Show' sources say they were 'duped' and blame companies using 'sneaky' tactics.
10/23/2008 10:11 AM ET
British publication does what U.S. media won't, connects high prices to government-mandated biofuel.
9/24/2008 1:38 PM ET
New York Times columnist says ownership from $700 billion bailout of Wall Street should force environmental initiatives.
7/3/2008 9:26 AM ET
CBS emphasizes hardship of food stamp users, complains that government has not increased federal assistance to match food inflation.