3/7/2011 4:27 PM ET
ABC, NBC, CBS report every sordid detail about troubled actor, ignore complaints against abortion provider.
3/2/2011 3:49 PM ET
Contradictory reports hide substance of powerful Egyptian Islamist group.
3/1/2011 4:30 PM ET
Mideast unrest has sent pump prices up rapidly, but networks mention GOP president in more gas reports than today.
2/16/2011 3:56 PM ET
Eight percent unemployment prediction rarely made broadcast evening news.
11/3/2010 9:03 PM ET
Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming
3/4/2009 6:55 PM ET
Alarmists get snowed in for Washington, D.C. rally; networks mostly ignore signs of cooling temps, 'record' cold.
5/17/2006 2:56 PM ET
Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but cant decide weather we face an ice age or warming.
3/1/2006 4:43 PM ET
Media criticize greed of energy executives, but go easy on Venezuelas oil strongman
6/8/2005 8:14 PM ET
Risky Business: Media Bearish on Personal Freedom - Tying personal Social Security accounts to a risky stock market, journalists portray a wild investment world filled with simpletons.
4/27/2005 8:06 PM ET
Networks Guarantee Liberal View of Social Security