Early Wednesday morning, Republican Dan Sullivan officially defeated incumbent Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) more than a week after Election Day. With the victory, the GOP now has 53 Senate seats ...
The journalists at ABC News get very excited whenever a new book attempts to undermine Christianity. On Monday, the reporters at Good Morning America hyped "shocking new claims" that Jesus Christ ...
On Monday, ABC’s Good Morning America provided First Lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, entitled the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, with some free publicity. Co-host George ...
Despite the Republican Party taking control of both houses of Congress as well as winning additional governors races, ABC’s Good Morning America made sure to throw some cold water on the GOP ...
NBC's Today and CBS This Morning both led their broadcasts on Monday with euthanasia advocate Brittany Maynard's drug-induced suicide. The morning shows' anchors sang the praises of the ...
While all three network morning shows on Monday covered the upcoming midterm election, only ABC's Good Morning America mentioned the real possibility of Republicans taking control of the Senate. ...
On Sunday, both ABC and NBC did their best to play up a new United Nations report on climate change, proclaiming its findings to be “alarming.” On GMA, newsreader Ron Claiborne hyped how ...
As of Thursday morning, both ABC and NBC have ignored the latest rift in the relationship between the United States and Israel as “a senior Obama administration official” told Jeffrey Goldberg of ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Thursday couldn't help but contrast Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton as "lashing out" vs. the "softer side." Featuring the two possible 2016 contenders, George ...
On Tuesday, ABC and NBC made no mention of the upcoming midterm elections, which were two weeks away from Tuesday and include numerous Senate races that will decide whether Republicans or ...