The network newscasts and morning shows have thus far ignored the story of Joseph Maraachli, a Canadian baby who was set to have his life support removed. Only Fox News has covered the dramatic ...
On the one-year anniversary of the health care law, MSNBC thought it fitting to bring on a boy who championed the bill and give him a platform. Anchor Andrea Mitchell hosted 12-year-old activist ...
Chief "Caucus" reporter Michael Shear's loaded language in defense of Obama-care: "A year after President Obama signed his health care law into effect, the two leading Republicans in Congress are ...
According to health reporter Robert Pear, the Family Research Council is a "conservative group," while the Planned Parenthood Federation of America is merely an "advocate for women's health."
ABC, CBS and NBC on Monday night devoted more than half of their evening newscasts to the turmoil in Egypt, but while CBS and NBC squeezed in brief mentions of how a federal judge agreed with 26 ...
In the guise of a status report on ObamaCare, Katie Couric derided GOP efforts to repeal it. She pleaded to give it a chance as she rationalized "the law is vulnerable because of the complex way ...
After spending close to two weeks bemoaning the state of political dialogue in America and wondering about its connection to the shooting of a Congresswoman, NBC has, thus far, completely ignored ...
"The health care law may not be popular, but many of the provisions now in effect are," ABC's Jonathan Karl asserted in his Thursday night look at the House vote to repeal ObamaCare as he ...
In the wake of last Saturday's shooting spree in Arizona, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing on Friday wondered if the phrase "jobs-killing health care" bill is now taboo. Speaking to a former ...
Talk about incendiary and toxic talk. In Friday's Washington Post, business section columnist Steven Pearlstein proclaimed that "what's particularly noteworthy about" congressional Republican ...