11/17/2011 5:58 PM ET
Meanwhile, per gallon prices still 60 cents higher than last year, $1.56 higher than when Obama took office.
8/4/2011 2:00 PM ET
President talks 39 times more about himself than he does the debt.
6/15/2011 9:08 PM ET
National Labor Relations Board Declare Manhattan and Xavier Colleges 'Lack Substantial Religious Character,' to Force Unionization
6/6/2011 9:21 PM ET
ABC's Jake Tapper notices president's 'non-acknowledgment' of June 3 jobs report.
4/25/2011 2:24 PM ET
Networks have refused to connect administration to steadily rising gas prices.
3/1/2011 4:30 PM ET
Mideast unrest has sent pump prices up rapidly, but networks mention GOP president in more gas reports than today.
2/16/2011 3:56 PM ET
Eight percent unemployment prediction rarely made broadcast evening news.
1/21/2011 7:35 PM ET
Ethanol was touted as 'wave of the future,' hyped as 'easy solution' for energy independence.
10/20/2010 7:52 PM ET
Despite Obama's tax hikes and campaign against 'tax cuts' for the wealthy, broadcast evening news shows portray president as taxcutters' champion.
10/18/2010 5:37 PM ET
American Morning host interviews explorer attempting to draw attention to global warming and expresses concern over an increasingly skeptical public.