Only CBS This Morning on Tuesday bothered to cover the heartbreaking video of Iraqi refugees rushing a helicopter in a desperate attempt to escape the violence of the terrorist group ISIS. NBC's ...
In the wake of the recent surge of violence in northern Iraq, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams did his best to push the White House line that President Obama’s summer vacation was ...
Any intraparty criticism of President Obama’s recent foreign policy moves regarding Iraq was nowhere to be found on NBC’s morning or evening news programs as former Secretary of State Hillary ...
Eager to defend President Obama from criticism of his vacation in
Martha's Vineyard amid multiple international crises, both Sunday's ABC Good Morning America and Monday's NBC Today used false ...
The Big Three networks steered clear of labeling the Islamist group ISIS "terrorists" on their evening newscasts on Friday. Instead, ABC's World News and CBS Evening News labeled the genocidal ...
Of the three network morning shows on Friday, only NBC's Today
made any mention of President Obama being criticized over his slow
response to the terrorist group ISIS taking over Iraq. Co-host ...
On Thursday, the al Qaeda spinoff group the Islamic State seized numerous towns in northern Iraq that are home to much of the country’s minority Christian population, sending tens of thousands of ...
On Monday night, only the CBS Evening News covered what anchor Scott Pelley described as an "emerging genocide" in Iraq.
In a 48-second news brief, Pelley reported: "The Islamic army known as ...
ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the dire situation of Christians in Iraq, particularly after ISIS's takeover of the key city of Mosul. The Islamic extremist ...