
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Obama Admin Plan to Avoid Iraq-Style 'Chaos' in Syria, Even as Al Qaeda Moves In

Introducing a report on the ongoing civil war in Syria on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams made sure to promote PR from the White House: "...the State Department and the Pentagon ...
Media Research Center

As Obama Touts Ending the War, Iraq Suffers Deadliest Day Since Troops Withdrew; CBS Skips

One hundred and six people died in Iraq on Monday, a bloody milestone that CBS's morning show ignored. Good Morning America's Josh Elliott recounted, "And oversees, this has been the deadliest day ...
Media Research Center

Unlike Iraq, ABC, NBC, PBS, MSNBC Skip 2,000-Death Marker in Afghanistan

In 2005, the Big Three networks offered 14 stories on the Iraq War body count reaching 2,000. But last week, when the body count in Afghanistan reached 2,000, CBS offered one story, and ABC, NBC, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: Fmr. British PM Tony Blair 'May Never Recover' from Being Bush's 'Poodle' on Iraq War

In an interview with British Prime Minister David Cameron aired on Wednesday's NBC Rock Center, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams cautioned Cameron about one of his predecessors: "You'll ...

ABC's Amanpour: Conservative 'Gang' Were 'Frog-Marching' U.S. to War with Iraq

On Thursday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, ABC's Christiane Amanpour characterized conservatives as several years ago "frog-marching" the U.S. to war in Iraq as she discussed the ...

Haditha 'Massacre' Coverage Ends as it Begins, With Presumption of Marine Guilt

Reporter Michael Schmidt: "Iraqis were outraged Tuesday to learn that the Marine considered the ringleader of a 2005 massacre that left 24 of their countrymen dead in 2005 was sentenced on Tuesday ...

Matthews Slams 'Chickenhawks' & 'Crazy Neocons' for Supporting Wars

During Tuesday's live coverage of the New Hampshire Primary on MSNBC, Chris Matthews asked guest Tom Ridge why it is that "crazy neocons" and Republican "chickenhawks" always want to "go to war ...

As U.S. Leaves Iraq, NBC Proclaims: 'No Victory Celebrations, No Thank Yous' from Iraqis

At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams sadly declared: "At a ceremony in Baghdad today, the Americans lowered the flag and it was a quiet ending to a war that went bad ...

MSNBC's O'Donnell Absurdly Claims U.S. Military 'Chose' to Stay in Iraq

On Thursday's Last Word, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell seemed to attack the U.S. military as he not only absurdly suggested that it was the military, rather than the President, that "chose" to ...

NBC's Brian Williams Labels Iraq War a 'Tragic and Prolonged Slog'

Opening NBC's Nightly News on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams touted the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq as an Obama administration accomplishment while slamming the war effort itself: "The ...
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