
Only ABC Cites 'Devastating' CBO Judgment and 50%+ Tax Rates to Pay for Health Care

"Congress's chief budget analyst delivered a devastating assessment yesterday of the health care proposals drafted by congressional Democrats," the Washington Post reported, but of the broadcast ...

Tough Tapper Interview With Obama Fails to Hold Interest of Jackson-obsessed ABC

Despite devoting almost the entire Good Morning America program on Tuesday to Michael Jackson, ABC could only find three minutes for a hard-hitting Jake Tapper interview with Barack Obama. And ...

ABC's Jake Tapper Hits Obama for Specifics on Health Care Plan

During Tuesday's White House press conference, ABC News' Jake Tapper sparred with Barack Obama over the details of the President's universal health care plan, bluntly observing, "...If the ...

Obama Pushes Gov. Health Care; ABC Responds with 'Prescription for America' Coverage from White House

Networks balance reports on AMA speech, but ABC outrages public with week of health care coverage, 'World News,' 'GMA' to be aired from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

ABC Offers Skeptical Take on Obama's Stimulus Claims; CBS, NBC Uncritical

On Friday's Good Morning America, ABC's Jake Tapper provided a skeptical, challenging analysis of the Obama administration's claims about the economic stimulus bill. Tapper wondered: "How much of ...

Sotomayor Prompts More 'Conservative' Than 'Liberal' Labels

Amazingly, after showing no reluctance in 2005 to describe John Roberts and Sam Alito as "conservative" or worse, the Tuesday network evening newscasts, particularly ABC and NBC, applied more ...

ABC Minimizes 'Liberal' Label for Sotomayor; Used 'Conservative' for Alito Frequently

ABC News didn't use any labels such as liberal or progressive to describe Judge Sonia Sotomayor during its Tuesday morning coverage of her nomination to the Supreme Court. On the other hand, when ...

Networks Tell One Side of Health Care Story: Obama's

Reports on president's meeting with health care industry and potential 'reform' leave out critics, free-market solutions.

Jake Tapper Critical of Obama's 'Tiny' Budget Cut Efforts

ABC's White House correspondent reminds viewers Obama mocked opponent McCain for earmark vigilance of same dollar amount.

Obama Puff Pieces Let Some Embarrassing Truth Through

Meant to endear, Network coverage of Obama Whitehouse sometimes exposes hypocrisy, inconsistencies and extravagance.
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