11/11/2011 4:45 PM ET
Like in 'Life of Brian,' protesters assume medicine, material goods will exist without the economic system that makes them possible.
4/19/2011 8:43 PM ET
Since BP spill, anti-oil policy has been cited in only 3 network gasoline price reports.
2/4/2011 4:16 PM ET
CNBC's floor reporter criticizes 'kool-aid drinkers' for trying to find good news in the 'disappointing.'
11/4/2010 5:33 PM ET
Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care
9/21/2010 5:53 AM ET
'Mad Money' host says president himself didn't cause stock market jump, but increase occurred because Obama didn't use network platform to wage class warfare.
6/8/2010 7:03 PM ET
Energy investment banker tells CNBC clean-up of Gulf oil spill will cause ultimate end of beleaguered oil giant.
10/15/2009 6:17 PM ET
Wall Street complaints sparked by Dow 10K similar to what brought communist leader to power 'Mad Money' host explains.
9/9/2009 10:27 AM ET
CNBC 'Mad Money' host says congressional spending to going to cause higher taxes and sharp downturn for stocks.
8/10/2009 4:33 PM ET
Financial advice host advocates using publicity tactics similar to what was used against the tobacco business to influence behavior.
3/18/2009 2:04 PM ET
Systemic risks are small when the market is free, voluntary and open to competition.