
Media Research Center

Consumer Reports’ Fishy Advice to Pregnant Woman: Skip the Tuna

Magazine’s special report about mercury exposure disputes FDA guidelines, urges people to tell FDA to change recommendations.
Media Research Center

New York Times Misleads Readers to Bash Tuna Industry

Times claimed ‘no factual errors’ in factually inaccurate Mark Bittman blog.

Obama Backs EPA War on Coal, While Networks Ignore Harm to Industry

Major utility announces proposal to retire power plants, layoff workers and spend billions to comply with 'pending' regulations.

Textbook Example: How the Media Propagates the Mercury-Contaminated Fish Myth

National Fisheries Institute debunks 'Dr. Oz' talking points that exaggerate the dangers of mercury in seafood.

'Nightly News' Jumps Onboard Mercury- in- Fish Alarmism

NBC report is just the latest relying on information from advocacy groups to undermine confidence in seafood safety.

CBS Lauds Vaccines, Admits 'No Idea of What Actually Causes Autism'

'Evening News' reminds viewers protection from diseases outweighs potential risks from vaccinations.

Too Little, Too Late - Media Discover Mercury in Fluorescent Bulbs

Journalists' beloved 'eco-friendly' lights now considered more dangerous than originally thought, after government mandate required their use.

UPDATE: Scare-Mongering Over Sushi

Calls came out from the National Fisheries Institute and others for major corrections to a one-sided, sensationalistic story on "risky" levels of mercury found in tuna sushi (photo of culprit on ...

'Today' Lights Up Your Life with Puff Piece on Replacing Bulbs

Vieira changes one light bulb in her house, praises government mandate for compact fluorescents, and forgets to mention her big boss profits from their sale.
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