12/27/2011 9:17 PM ET
Celebrities attacking the 1 percent are themselves millionaires.
12/9/2011 6:42 PM ET
'V for Vendetta' creators among artists working for Occupy Comics.
12/9/2011 5:34 PM ET
Media's favorite protest to become a college course, despite irony of OWS classroom walk outs and protests of student loans.
10/13/2011 6:04 PM ET
Liberal billionaire behind left-wing organizations and media celebrating anti-capitalist protests.
11/2/2010 9:30 PM ET
CNBC Chicago CME Reporter featured in Power Lunch segment on Election Day and credited for the pending Republican wave.
10/29/2010 5:52 PM ET
CNBC reporter criticizes deficit commission, says country needs 'spending commission.'