Two network anchors cued up House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to despair the debt ceiling deal, presumably because of some future slight reductions in the projected rate of spending increases, ...
Better late than never, perhaps, but in Sunday's paper the Times noted that Lowering Nation's Credit Rating May Have Little Effect, Economists Suggest.
The article, by Binyamin Appelbaum article, ...
In a front-page news analysis piece this morning, Times national political correspondent Jeff Zeleny pronounced that After [a] Protracted Fight, Both Sides Emerge Bruised.
Yet Zeleny's analysis ...
The broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night noted the very anemic second quarter GDP growth rate at 1.3 percent, but instead of stressing how it showed the weak economic state well ...
On NBC's Sunday Meet the Press, host David Gregory took on an alarmist tone as he worried that any significant attempts to address the nation's enormous debt could lead to violence: "Look at the ...
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today to discuss the debate over reducing the nation's debt, CNBC host Erin Burnett declared to co-host Matt Lauer: "The problem is our revenue, what the government takes ...
With State of the Union address imminent, the press downplays costs, finds little economic criticism of proposals designed to recapture middle class support.
While the government estimates another nine trillion dollars will be added to the national debt this decade, ABC's setting aside an hour in prime time to sell an Obama health care plan that could ...